<p>I want to study architecture as an undergraduate freshman. Which college should I choose?
well, VT ranks better, but IIT is in Chicago. Considering I am an internation student, it's OK for me to go to any place in US.</p>
<p>Which one do you choose? Why?</p>
<p>VTech because everyone has heard of it because of its football team.</p>
<p>Two totally different locations and types of schools. VT does have two years of being #1 and #2 in undergrad DI arch rankings, but you shouldn’t judge where you want to spend the next 5 years of your life on that factor alone. Would there be any opportunity for you to visit both? I guess being an international student would make it hard, but do some research on what the campuses are like. VT is a great school, big time sports program, lots of school spirit, very rural, breathtakingly pretty place in the mountains. But Chicago is well…Chicago. It is all in what you want.</p>
<p>Virginia Tech. Chicago is a great city but I’m not a big fan of the neighborhood that IIT is in. Having visited both schools, I thought the architecture program and atmosphere was a TON better at VT. VT is overflowing with good sports and school spirit while IIT is completly lacking that. That’s just my opinion though.</p>
<p>Thanks you all!</p>
<p>I can’t go to see the school myself, because a round trip is too expensive and the procedure is ultra complicated~</p>
<p>I will do more research then.</p>