Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>Hey everyone - VCU ram here.</p>

<p>Did you guys submit your high school transcript along with your college copy? I know on the transfer checklist they implied that a decision can be made without your high school transcript, but is required prior to enrollment should you be given admission.</p>

<p>Also, how long was the wait period for a decision? I applied this past Saturday and had my transcripts mailed in this morning.</p>

transferring from GMU (sophomore)
college I transcript received on Feb 8th 2014
sent everything about Jan 16th or so</p>

<p>had most of my classes done for my major (biochem/chem)
will take two classes not offered at GMU at NVCC during the summer!</p>

<p>WHAT A RELIEF!!!</p>

<p>Did anyone have trouble previewing their resume when they attached it?</p>

<p>@hopefulwaiting, yeah I had nonsense with my application too but i guess it was fine; hokebird!</p>

<p>We need a facebook page!!</p>

<p><em>dont want to jinx anything or celebrate prematurely because of the hokie bird</em></p>

<p>I had problems bringing up my resume as well. But it didn’t effect anything because I got accepted! So don’t worry about it!</p>

<p>I am a freshmen transfer student for COE. Application submitted in December and transcripts received Jan 13. Just got the Hokie Bird today and a link just appeared for the University Honors Application. Hoping these are all good signs. </p>

<p>Do y’all think there will be another wave of acceptances this week? I have the hokie bird and I’m getting anxious!</p>

<p>@scoobielover Based on the extensive amount of research I’ve done on forums and such, Virginia Tech’s acceptance waves usually occur towards the beginning of the month.</p>

<p>ok! I’m a first generation student so doing all these apps by myself are stressing me out. How long does it usually take for transcripts to be received?</p>

<p>I got the hokie bird, but it says “transfer transcripts have been received but not yet evaluated” what does this mean? </p>

<p>@HopefulWaiting Transcripts usually take 2-4 weeks!</p>

<p>@kchac1 The hokie bird is pretty much an early indication of acceptance as far as I know. Your quoted statement means that Virginia Tech indeed has your transcripts, but has not evaluated how many of your current credit hours will transfer over, should you decide to accept their offer of admission.</p>

<p>Congratulation to everyone who got a Hokie Bird!</p>

<p>I transferred to Tech last fall and I’m having the time of my life! I transferred from a CC and I’m majoring in ME. I didn’t get my bird until the last wave despite applying early so I know the anxiety everyone still waiting is going through. The best thing I did was to check maybe once/twice a week. If you guys have any questions post them here and I can try to answer them. I just went through the whole process so if your wondering things like where to live or how/when will you sign up for classes, meal plan, places to eat on/off campus, the nightlife here, the people, the transfer process, financial aid, football games or just about anything in general ill try to answer them</p>

<p>Thanks for coming by to help us out Chris, I would like to get your feedback about the summer session. I guess just a basic overview on the classes and what it was like living in Blacksburg over the summer. Thanks again.</p>

<p>@chris11, when did you receive a packet with the acceptance letter, class registration info, orientation, etc?
also, how did you feel about dorm housing? I know as a freshman its mandatory but for incoming sophomore/juniors do you think its better to look for offcampus housing? </p>

<p>@Green21 I actually didn’t come to Tech until the fall 2013 cause I had to take a few classes at my CC to finish my degree. But a few of my friends coming in did and they didn’t mind it at all. Im not sure what you would do as far as living if your off campus cause most places start their leases mid august. I know the classes are 5 weeks and from what I’ve heard pretty accelerated. Ive heard Blacksburg during the summer is nice there aren’t as many students and campus isn’t as full but you still have that small town feel. It can however actually help you classes wise. If your doing engineering as I am you have to compile a 3.0 Gpa over the first 12 credit hours at VT before you can get into your major(They transfer you in as General Engineering) but they don’t have to be in major classes. So you could technically take a few GPA boosters like Sociology or HNFE classes and that’ll still count towards the 3.0. You could also do that in the fall but its harder cause classes are usually full by the time you sign up</p>

<p>@mdhokie I got my official offer of admissions around the first week in april and and got my package around the 2-3 week. I don’t remember when exactly but it’ll come in a tall envelope and have all the information about orientation, classes and all that good stuff. </p>

<p>As far as places to stay I sent you a message but I figure I minus well repost it incase anyone else wants to know.</p>

<p>One of my main concerns was meeting people coming up here. Coming from a CC I didn’t get the dorm experience but I managed to visit enough different schools including VT to know what its like. I would personally recommend getting an apartment. You will definitely meet more people living on campus but you’ll also have to deal with a lot of the negatives and not to mention almost everyone will be younger than you. The price of an apartment is actually cheaper than staying in the dorms, you get your own actually room and your sharing a bathroom with 2-4 people a posed to a floor. Plus there are no RA’s watching over you and no quiet hours. Coming in as a junior I think you will probably get the best college experience staying in an apartment. Ive met a ton of people here in my complex and around my neighborhood. Plus you will meet a lot of people in your classes and on campus as long as your a little social.</p>

<p>If your looking to stay in an apartment heres a quick overview of the popular places</p>

<p>Terrace View: Where I stay, its not bad at all, it can get a little rowdy on the weekends but most places around a college town will. Its pretty much the center of all of the apartment complexes. This is where a lot of sophomores moving off campus go. Nice pool, cheap rent, decent parking, The apartments are in halls so its really easy to meet your neighbors. Ton of people</p>

<p>The Village: I believe it comes furnished and the rent is kind of expensive, the apartments are more individual as you enter from outside and not one central hall area like TV but there are a lot of people there. They actual make each person pay by individual room so if you don’t have roommates they will set you up. good location right across the street from TV</p>

<p>Pheasants Run: Townhouses and party central. The rent is dirt cheap and there are parties all around there every weekend and a ton of unders go there on the weekends. Again being in townhouses you won’t meet as many people like in a dorm or apartment but its easy from all of the parties to walk in and get to know people. Down the street from TV and the Village and right next to Foodlion</p>

<p>Maple Ridge: Really nice and Expensive. its town homes and their pretty strict about noise. a lot of athletes actually live there and its a little further than the others but still has easy bus access.</p>

<p>Hunters Ridge: Nice apartment and the rent isn’t too bad. You pass it on the way to get into Pheasants Run but its not usually that bad with noise. Pretty much typical apartments</p>

<p>Collegiate Suites: Right across the street from Hunters Ridge and Pheasants Run. Nice place with limited parking, not sure on the rent but the insides look nice. Like the village you enter the apartments through the outside.</p>

<p>There are some other ones like Pheasants Run Crossing, Tech Terrace, Fox Ridge etc.</p>

<p>Thank you so much @Chris11! I just visited tech this past weekend! Its nice to get some input on the off campus housing. Im hoping that they send out decisions either this Friday or next Friday! I have the hokie bird and I am pretty excited. </p>

<p>I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I called the office of admissions today and they said that receiving a hokie bird only means they are evaluating your application. She said that it does not mean you are accepted. However after reading all of these posts, it seems like it is an indication of acceptance. Does anyone have any suggestions? I received a hokie bird and thought I was good, but now I have my doubts. Hopefully a letter will come in here soon and clear everything up.</p>

<p>@Hoyboy11 I’ve been thinking the same thing. I was excited to get a Hokie Bird the other day but I don’t want to get my hopes up too high. Does anyone here know of anybody who got the Hokie Bird and DIDN’T get in?</p>

Hello! Im from odu too!
If you don’t mind me asking when did all your stuff get in?
and what is the gpa you applied to Vtech with?</p>