Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>I’ve asked a lot of people who went to Tech and they also said that they’ve never seen someone get a Hokie bird and then denied. You can’t expect the admissions people to tell you the truth because they’re not allowed to say anything.</p>

<p>Hey guys. Just wanted some of your thoughts on my chances of getting into tech for fall 2014. I’m a sophomore at NVCC. I was at a 4 year institution my freshman year, with a 3.5 GPA while playing an NCAA sport. I currently have a 4.0 GPA at NVCC. I took 17 credits fall semester, and am currently taking 17 credits this spring. I will be a HNFE major at tech, or possibly another science related major. I have taken, or am currently taking: BIO 101+102, CHM 111+112, BIO 141(anatomy), statistics, calculus 1+2, and english 1+2.
Any thoughts? All this talk about people receiving their “hokie birds” is starting to stress me out.</p>

<p>@HoyBoy11 A few years ago a transfer student found somewhere in the fine print on one of VT’s sites that Tech will only evaluate your transfer credits once you’ve been cleared to be offered admission. After he called and confronted them about it she basically confirmed it means your in but they took it down after that. Its pretty much guaranteed you got accepted. No one last year or the year before got the bird then got denied so Congrats Your a Hokie!</p>

<p>@Transfer4848 I am a sophomore with a 3.7 right now. I am a biology major so I have taken mainly science classes! I submitted my application at the beginning of January and my college transcript was received February 5th. I sent that in the middle of January. :)</p>

<p>@scoobielover thanks! I am a freshman who is trying to get into BIT. I sent my transcript on Jan 14th and it still doesn’t show on my status page :frowning: I asked them about it and they said it is a busy time for them so they might have no seen my transcript yet :/</p>

<p>@Transfer4828 I’m applying to BIT as well! My transcript was delivered on February 12th and was received this past Monday (24th).</p>

<p>@rohitx man that makes me nervous haha its been a month and a half since my transcript was sent.
Good luck to the both of us and the rest of us here applying! :)</p>

<p>@Transfer4828 Thanks man you too! Did you contact Tech about yours after 4 weeks? Cause if they haven’t received it by then there’s a good chance they might have not received it at all. Although I’d contact your local post office to confirm if it got delivered or not</p>

<p>@Transfer4848 if you got your transcripts sent from Leo online you should double check the address they have for the admissions office. It isn’t in Burrus anymore, it’s on prices fork road. I had to enter in the new address when ordering my transcript. I didn’t check last year and it took awhile for them to get it so I had to resend it with the new address. </p>

<p>@rohitx I called virginia tech and the lady seemed kinda of annoyed, probably because it’s a busy month for them. She told me they are still going through transcripts and maybe mine wasn’t recorded yet. I doubt it though because it’s been over a month which is strange. I got it sent officially by my school so I can’t check.</p>

<p>@scoobielover I checked and I sent it to 925 PRICES FORK ROAD
Which is the correct address. I’m afraid to call again because they might be annoyed with me again :(</p>

<p>Maybe they are busy making decisions!! </p>

<p>@transfer4848 you should try emailing them. I sent my transcripts on feb 12th and I emailed asking if they got my transcripts and if my resume uploaded with my application because it wouldn’t let me preview it. They emailed me back and said they had everything.</p>

<p>@Transfer4848 Definitely email them! Better safe than sorry!</p>

<p>I’m a freshman coming from Radford University and I’m praying I get in. Can someone tell me what a Hokie Bird is? Does it show up on your application checklist once they have received all of your information? I’m still missing my dual enrollment transcript from from JMU but they told me they just haven’t entered the data in my checklist yet. I’m not sure what this all means… also has anyone heard any rumors about when we will be notified? Hoping for a lot sooner then later. </p>

<p>@vttransfer1317 A Hokie bird is just what is sounds like, a mini picture of a Hokie will appear right above your “Application Summary” and next to it should read, “Your Transfer Credit Evaluation may be complete. Click here for specific details.” with a hyperlink. Right below the “PLEASE NOTE” blurb.</p>

<p>@vttransfer1317 Hello, heres a pic of the actual hokie bird on the application status! & For anyone who was curious
<a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=2z4icmb&s=5#.UxPyyBbDiZa”>http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=2z4icmb&s=5#.UxPyyBbDiZa&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@Transfer4848 Did you recently receive the hokie bird? Cause I just checked and I have it as well!</p>

<p>@rohitx no this was a picture from a transfer student last year. My transcripts are still not in :frowning: admissions office haven’t replied to me because they are out of office</p>

<p>@Transfer4848 Don’t worry keep your hopes up! Hokie birds still go out over the course of March/April so you should be fine. If you don’t mind me asking what are your stats?</p>