Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>ok so my stats are horrible and i got the hokie bird this morning!!!</p>

<p>@HopefulWaiting Do you mind if I ask what your stats were and which program you applied to?</p>

<p>@brannigansLaw I applied to Human Development and I had a 3.2 because I had to retake 4 classes cause I got D’s and F’s due to family issues and financial struggles. I’m a first generation college student as well so that may have been a factor.</p>

<p>@HopefulWaiting Thanks for the response! I am about to finish my associates degree in engineering at nvcc this semester and I applied to the COE with a 3.8. I got my Hokie bird about two weeks back, but like you, my record has a few blemishes (although mine are for disciplinary reasons). I keep going back forth between being excited and worried all the time haha.</p>

<p>Anyway, congrats on getting your Hokie bird! I hope it means what we think it does!</p>

<p>@BrannigansLaw I go to NVCC also! I have a lot of friends that attend Virginia Tech and from what I’ve heard there has never been a person who has gotten a Hokie Bird and then denied or waitlisted. I’m just wondering when do we get our acceptances mailed.</p>

<p>@HopefulWaiting That’s good to know. The only thing that I’m curious to know is whether there have been known cases of people not getting the Hokie bird at all. It seems like everyone that posts in these transfer threads gets the bird at some point though going through last year’s thread it seems there was at least one case of someone never receiving the bird and getting rejected.</p>

<p>@HopefulWaiting @BrannigansLaw I’ve heard and read many on forums that have claimed Virginia Tech will evaluate your transfer credits ONLY if they have decided to offer you admission.</p>

<p>So a couple of weeks ago I got my Hokie Bird, but today I got ANOTHER one on my main page that shows me I’ve been awarded $9,400 in financial aid. But I still have no admission offer! Do y’all think this means acceptances are coming soon and I’m in, or does this happen for everyone?</p>

I am applying with a 3.4 I am applying into business IT and I have completed all my business required classes for competition. I am taking 30 credits total</p>

<p>@Transfer4848 In my opinion, you have a solid GPA and completing all business required classes pretty much solidifies your acceptance. The hokie bird should definitely show up when all your documents are received and reviewed</p>

<p>Chance me please, student at JTCC, graduated high school last summer in 2013. Will complete my associates summer 2014. </p>

<p>Got 16 AP credits, took 24 credits during summer 13 and fall 13 so far and am currently taking 17 during the spring. Will take 7 during the summer to finish up the associates. </p>

<p>Currently have a 3.875, all A’s except for 1 B. Applied as a senior got wait listed. Taking all basic maths, sciences, social sciences, electives…etc… following the transfer guide. </p>

<p>Application submitted 22nd Jan, hs transcript 31st Jan, college transcript sent first week Jan. but entered 28th Feb. Applying for College of Science. No HOKIE BIRD??? and chance me please…</p>

thanks! I’m hopeful but I’m just nervous about my transcript not getting in. My legs won’t stop shaking haha
Im going to bug them tomorrow. No matter what I have to make sure everything is in.</p>

<p>@Transfer4848 With that GPA and the fact that you have completed all your required business classes, I’m sure you’ll get in.</p>

<p>@IA S117 I would say you’re in as well with those stats. I commend your effort in getting your associate’s done that fast too! Do you have a major yet? </p>

<p>@BrannigansLaw Thanks…i just picked science specialization…probably Chem once I transfer though… do you (or anyone else) know the when the hokie bird arrives on the app status and/or when the next wave of acceptances is?</p>

<p>Hey everyone, I just got my transcript in phew! I guess this is the start of my waiting game :)</p>

<p>Hey everyone, </p>

<p>I just thought I would input a little bit as someone who went through this process for last fall. I applied in late December as an out-of-state applicant. The results that went out so far should have been for the priority review VA community college applicants. I got my Hokiebird in late February, and I received my decision on March 4th of last year, a Friday. I want to say that they should be making some decisions this Friday but of course I cannot say for certain. </p>

<p>The same questions regarding the appearance of the hokiebird came up last year, and I have not yet heard a case where someone has received the bird and been denied. With that said, you should be awaiting the admission offer if you’ve seen the hokie! :slight_smile: You just have to be patient. </p>

<p>Do not be alarmed also if your credits seem to endlessly evaluated. Mine were not finished until well after my admission offer arrived. </p>

<p>Decisions should begin since it is the first week of March. There are many decision waves, which if I remember correctly usually fall toward the beginning and the end of each month from this point on. </p>

<p>Coming to Tech has been the best decision I have ever made, and I am sure it will be the same for all of you! I know the waiting is painful, but decisions are coming. :slight_smile: I wish you all luck! </p>

<p>@Transfer4848 Good luck!!</p>

<p>@mcresse19 Thank you for the peace of mind! When you received your decision that Friday was it by mail or online?</p>

<p>The decision was online on that day. I received my mailed admission a week or two later I believe. Make sure you all check! Especially if you have received the Hokie. </p>

<p>I hope to see lots of acceptances :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Do you guys think that they’re sending out acceptances today? It’s Friday!</p>

<p>I hope so!! I’m so anxious! I’ve had the bird for almost a month so I’m hoping I hear back soon!! </p>