Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2020

VT announced 2024 freshman class was most competitive ever - with acceptances dropping from almost 70% to 50%.

@cbl1 that shouldn’t affect transfers though because it’s a different class right?

No this years won’t - I’m more concerned with the overcrowd from last year effecting.

But if they are getting a lot of freshman applications I would think it would translate into more Transfer applications coming in as well.

If you are planning on living in the transfer LLC btw and would be down to be roommates (if I get in lol)
reach out to me!!

If I get in. We could if everything works out!

guys, what’s the chance of getting a transfer housing? is it really competitive? what do you think is better, getting an apartment or vt housing?

Well, resources are resources. Financially it makes more sense to fill an incoming total with freshmen vs. transfers from other 4 year schools. More overall tuition $ from the freshmen.

@TarekHA Are you transferring from another 4 year or via CC guaranteed admission? Most upperclassmen prefer off campus.

@ShenVal18 Yes I’m transferring via CC guaranteed admission. I just wanted to see what you guys think about vt transfer housing since I’m looking for some cheap apartments but also wanted to check vt options

@TarekHA You should check with housing to see if all transfers who wish to live on campus are housed in the same res hall (and are part of the transfer LLC), and if having that group of students with similar circumstance nearby appeals to you. The downside to living on campus is that you will be an upperclasman within a sea of freshmen.

Apparently they pulled off the waitlist today. Can we make any assumptions that maybe the transfer acceptance was up? If you met all the requirements for your major.

Pulling from waitlist 3 weeks before overall matriculation deadline and 1 week before transfer results would indicate the opposite to me. I would be inclined to think that the decision to pull from waitlist 3 weeks early could indicate they are trying to get as many potential matriculations from students with 4 years of tuition to pay between now and 4/15 as possible, which could be a sign that transfer offers from 4-years will be a little more scarce than in prior years.

I seem to want to think that maybe this indicates that the number of transfer applicants may have been low since they pulled early, meaning there was more open spots in certain majors. You could be right but I hope not.

this happens every other year with waitlists, they release one year and don’t the next, idk how but it’s a pattern, usually it has not affected transfers but we will see

Transfers really aren’t competing with the incoming freshman class and their numbers. Transfers are competing with the upcoming sophomore (way overcrowded) and junior classes.

Hey, how crowded is VT? I have a preference for schools with lesser students. I just really need a quiet place to study and eat without people. The campus seemed pretty empty when I visited during the winter break, and I really liked that, but I am worried that this will not be the case during the normal academic time. Does anyone know?

@TouristHistory if that is your preference, then VT is not it. VT is a HUGE school with many people and that is actually one reason people choose to go there!! The campus can get very busy. However, it offers many places that are peaceful like the library and other buildings, so you get a bit of both

Hi I want to see what my possible chances are since I am not applying for the most competitive major. I am a current freshman at a Virginia community college, with a 3.6 GPA.
I am applying as an English major.

@wtetjefbcevrv I think you have a good chance of making it in if you followed their coursework! The GAA states that you need a GPA of 3.4, so 3.6 is definitely out of the park!

Hey! If I get in which I hope to, I’d like to be roommates. @Ari1123

omg awesome! once the decision comes out if we both get in we can exchange info and figure this out!