Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2017

Hey guys, I’m applying as a finance major in Pamplin college of business and would love to know if anyone thinks if I have a good chance of getting in! I’m transferring from George Mason University, with a 3.75 gpa from my first semester. I took business calc, composition, biology with lab, western civilizations, and a woman’s studies course my first semester. I got an A in all of the classes except a B in biology :/. This spring semester, I’m taking econ(micro), business and society, communications, astronomy and lab, and an art class. I also have an AP credit for psychology.
I’ve used the TED (transfer equivalency database for credits) that Virginia Tech has on their website and all of my credits will transfer or will at least count as an elective. Any feedback would be great, thanks:).

Just got into Virginia Tech for General Engineering as a first year transfer. My GPA was a 3.1 for reference, transferring from community college.

@aesteic did you do priority review?

@pinapple17 Nope, did Instant Decision Day.

Did any body get in?

I have a 3.4 from NVCC and i am going to complete my associate degree in general studies this spring. I will try to het into the BIT program. I also am not qualified for the GAA becuase I got a C in BIO 101, what are my chances?

We need some action in this thread!

Has anyone heard back yet? I know some people got their decisions from instant decision day, but what about those who applied by 2/15?

Yeah, I got accepted the first week of March! @WhoTouchedMyTaco

@pinapple17 Congrats!!! You got accepted quite early, they must like you!

How quick can you transfer into the College of Engineering from University Studies. Can it be done by second semester of my freshmen year?

@qazwsx1234 No, most likely not given the new policies. There are very strict rules for transferring and then it is not guaranteed, but a competitive process. Per VT site: transfer to engineering for an internal student requirements below.


What schools did everyone apply to as transfers? Pamplin College of Business over here

Does anybody know how many people are accepted during the March 31 round? Or if they are going to be releasing decisions for specific people (earlier submitted apps, CC students, etc…)

I think the decisions will be released for people who got their supplemental documents in early-transcripts,letters of recommendations, mid-year reports, etc.

How early do you suspect. I had my app complete before January and transcripts arrived by January 3rd. Also does anyone know how strict they are on the lab science policy? I have transferable units in every other subject, 20ish AP credits, but no college level lab science. I did have 5 semesters of lab science in high school, with two of them being AP. Also my stats are high, 1960 SAT, 3.91 GPA After first semester, as well as all A’s on my midterm report

All I can say is that we can only hope that our decisions will be in the mix for Friday’s release. If you received AP credit for the lab sciences in high school, I’m assuming the school that you’re currently attending allowed you to waive taking those classes, if it’s part of the requirements at your current school. If that’s the case, I presume that Virginia Tech would let you slide with lab science courses.

If you’re still curious, you should hit up Virginia Tech’s admissions phone number and ask. If you don’t want to reveal yourself over the phone, say this: “Hi, I just graduated high school and plan on attending community college for two years. I heard you guys have a lab science policy but I don’t plan on taking any lab sciences since I have AP credits that would waive taking those courses at my school. Do you guys still want me to take those classes or are my AP credits sufficient?”

Virginia Tech’s Undergraduate Admissions Phone Number: (540) 231-3548

Good Luck!

But what if I was never asked for supplemental documents?

Well, I am not exactly sure how Virginia Tech handles the timing of decisions. Though, you completed your application quite early compared to me (I submitted my application one day before the deadline and my transcript hit their desk on March 1st). Hopefully, you receive your decision letter this coming Friday. If anything, just give them a call if you have any questions; it doesn’t hurt to pick up the phone and ask!

Just a quick reminder: you’re asking admissions-related questions to other applicants for Virginia Tech as well. I know you’re eager, as I am too, so you’d want to seek for any possible answer relating to your application. Just hang in there, everything will be okay!