Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2017

I was recently accepted into VT, for my spring work the only class I received a C in was ENG all my other classes were B’s and A’s do you think they will revoke my application? I will probably appeal as well.

@collegestudent04 I’m in the same situation as you, except my C was in Accounting. I believe that we should be fine, as long as we have above a 3.0 for the semester hopefully lol

Generally, as long as you are strong everywhere else one C shouldn’t get you revoked.

Ok so I sent my final transcript. When they received it, my application status changed to “decision made.” Not sure if I should be concerned or not.

Does this mean I just have to wait again until they send me the letter via mail?

Does anyone know if Virginia Tech will be taking any students from the waitlist for the fall semester of 2017.

@brucelee1 Probably not.

I know this is late but I have a 3.29. after this semester it should be a 3.4 or very close to it. I’m applying as a history major so do I have good choice of getting in? I’m also applying through their guaranteed admissions agreement as a community college student.