Virginia Tech Transfers 2014

<p>I have been freaking out since the day I applied. I still haven't heard anything about my decision yet though. I just wanted to know if anyone has heard anything or gotten the "hokie bird"? Also what do you think my chances are & if you're stats are close to mine? :)</p>

<p>HS: 3.82 GPA
With/ AP Comp. Gov, AP Environ. Sci, IT Database, AP ENG 11, AP US HIST, Pre-AP classes before that, SPA: Up to 3 years, Learn & Serve, Yearbook
Previous College (CNU): 3.2 GPA: 16 credits- ENG 123, HIST 112, PHIL 101, PHYS 141 & 105L, PSYC 202
Current Community College(NOVA): 4.0 GPA: 17 credits- CST 110, HIST 101, MTH 151, SPA 101, SDV100</p>

<p>I applied to the School of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences for Human Development. I want to study elementary teaching.</p>

<p>***Also Pretty much all of my credits transfer to Tech.
One other thing I was hoping someone could answer.. My physics class from CNU transferred to NOVA as a general physics, but then at Tech it says it transfers as a elective? But if you look at the equivalent of the class it transfers to at NOVA to Tech's, it says its a general physics. What do you think they will take/do, the one it transferred to at NOVA or how it transfers from CNU?</p>

<p>@megs19 hey I just saw your post and see that it is from a long time ago. I actually heard back about 2 weeks ago and was accepted into the school of engineering</p>

<p>I was actually rejected. Apparently my credits were not what they were looking for, but oh well! Everything happens for a reason. But congratulations to you! @Pizzo54</p>

<p>I think you should keep going to NOVA and apply to Tech next year. For some reason, they prefer transfer applicants to receive an Associate degree before coming to Tech. You will have a much better chance of getting in if you have a couple more semesters of A’s to show them.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I want to transfer for next fall and I want to know what you all think I can do improve on to increase my chances of getting in. Also is there an easier major to apply to? I have a 3.15 from vcu and am applying as a business management major. I had an awesome internship last summer and tech is my dream school. Tips, suggestions? </p>