Virginia Tech vs Clemson vs University of South Carolina

If you have visited any of these campuses, I would love to hear what you liked/disliked. Please give honest opinions on these three schools, not sure how to rank/rate them. Visited all three and found something to like at each. However, not from the area so having a hard time deciding if later would find that VTech was too rigorous/quiet, Clemson too conservative, or USC too much of a party school. NOT in honors at any schools.

USC is South Carolina?

For engineering or CS I would lean VT.

For business, especially international business I’d look at South Carolina. I wouldn’t call it any more of a party school than the other schools. Columbia isn’t a metropolis but there’s things to do and see.

Columbia would probably be an easier commute than the other two schools.

There’s no bad choice here.

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Campuses - personal preference but I’d vote Va Tech as the nicest I’m America. It also had the top rated food and that’s very under appreciated. Wait til your kid has low blood sugar from not eating or runs up the outside of school food bill.

All three will be party schools and all three will have rigor or not - depending on the major. What is the major? Sometimes that matters.

You have cool mountain TOWN Vs middle of nowhere ( and yea more conservative/Christian even …as a public) vs urban.

I love Va Tech but kid didn’t. U of SC was her #2 after Charleston (btw a lesser ranked school but rigorous…so you can’t make assumptions on rigor).

Clemson neither applied. One visited and I’ve been to two football games. Nice people. But if you want society, it’s not for you.

Great acceptances. Good luck.

VT Alum here and loved it there, so my bias will show for sure! Major might matter. I see it as a big engineering and, in general, STEM plus CS school that focuses a lot on research. Our (H and I) degrees from there certainly never hampered us at all in life.

Went to Clemson to watch the last eclipse - enjoyed that thoroughly, but don’t know much about the nuts and bolts of the school otherwise.

U South Carolina I know even less about, but being in PA, that’s fairly common.

So mainly wanted to get a plug in for having loved VT. :wink:

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What major? What’s your budget? That would make a difference in the answer.

I think students can find the party at most large colleges (and small ones too).

I know many students at UofSC & Clemson and everyone appears to be happy with their choices. UofSC gives some merit to high OOS achievers, Clemson gives some, but less than they used to. VT is not known to give much merit to OOS students.

My daughter is a sophomore at VT. She is very happy there. They have a ton of school spirit - especially during football season, with lots of tailgating and parties (I’m sure the other two schools have that too). The bars are very strict in town for under 21, so underage students tend to go to house parties until they are 21. Girls are welcome anywhere (duh) but if you’re a boy who is not in a fraternity or a social group (Engineering Club, German Club, Ski/Snowboarding Club, etc.,) it can be hard to get into the house parties unless they know someone. It’s definitely not a quiet campus by any means but also not Animal House.

It’s pretty cold there in the winter - the wind whips pretty good through campus and they typically see snow (although this year they only got a dusting), so if your student doesn’t like the cold then UofSC or Clemson may be a bit warmer in the winter (Columbia has had its share of winter storms - mostly ice).

If your student is flying in - UofSC is probably the easiest to get to if you can fly into Columbia. You can also fly into Charlotte and drive about 90 minutes. Clemson - I think Greenville is closest airport but it’s a small one - probably not too many direct flights (could also fly into Charlotte & drive). For VT, kids fly into Charlotte and drive 2.5 hours to Blacksburg or fly into Roanoke, VA. A private company runs student buses from these airports during holidays.


tsbna44 - thank you, she is neuroscience (VT and USC) or psychology(Clemson) BUT isn’t set on a major, was thinking post grad med school or health professions, BUT if science classes are too difficult/weed her out OR she changes her mind, she’ll most like choose business and tie that into health.


chmcnm - yes, USC = South Carolina, no engineering. Thank you for your reply.

Creekland - thank you, :smile: the tour guide did say once you are a Hokie you are a Hokie f o r e v e r


VTech would have my preference, especially if you got into a STEM or Business major. Solid overall reputation, both in the DC/MD/VA/PA region and nationally, fun town, basically everything you want for college.
USC has a good business school but the best majors are hard to get into. It’s in a city though and about 1 hour from the ocean so you can spend Fall Break&Spring Break there.

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CollegeNerd67 - thanks, we drove to all schools. Furthest from us was Clemson but still doable. Not talking cost right now. I did on a prior thread. And cost will be the weighed in the end. BUT FOR NOW I just want to know which school is more well-known (beyond southeast) for future employment. (Never know when if your kid will change majors.) There are so many different rankings/ratings online it gets rather confusing. Great information on the student bus to airport. How much does it normally cost? Oh! and thanks for directing me toward correct initials on UofSC. (oops)

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MYOSIS1634 - thank you, exactly the type of feedback I am looking for on reputation. I am from the opposite coast and growing up wasn’t a big college football fan (outside my state) so was clueless of anything outside my state until later in life, sheltered life :wink:

I would say that they’re all equally well known for future employment. VT is closest to the northeast and lots of kids end up in DC, NYC, Richmond, Philidelphia & Charlotte. It really depends on where the cities are that have companies related to your career choice. For banking & finance, NYC, Atlanta, Charlotte, San Francisco are big feeders. It may be different for neuroscience and psych - but students have to freedom to pursue job opportunities in any city they want to - and each of these colleges would be known to all employers, I would think.

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At each school, check if any of the possible majors are difficult to change into.

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All will be fine for psych or business u of SC is known for Intl business. But plenty of schools offer that major.

I’d pick based on environment. These are very distinctive.

Where are you from ? Do you have a religion you participate in ? For example, as a Jewish person Va Tech wins hands down followed by U of SC.

Others don’t care about religion.

I do think these three are unique enough that either after visiting or just knowing the environments it’ll be an easy call.

Thank you ucbalumnus - I was not clear, she HAS been accepted into the majors at the schools as listed. Just want to leave room for any potential changes in the future.

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tsbna44 - thank you for asking. We are not Jewish, we did see all the supportive groups at the mentioned colleges. Christian denomination, so don’t see that as an issue at any of the schools. Currently live in NC but have lived all over, adaptable kid. Liked all three for different reasons. Trying to rank based on nationwide name recognition, job placement/career services, support at college and overall description. (Yes, everyone has their own opinion, but seems some schools are known for being one way. For example, MIT is known as challenging for most people. Could feel that when visited by how students were interacting, conversations, pop up study groups, etc.)

My daughter is a sophomore at Clemson, finance/accounting I think but wants to go into actuarial science. I think she started as an economics major, but now her business advisor and actuarial advisor (who I think she met at a future actuaries club) are creating her schedules to allow her to take several of the exams in college. She loves everything, the students, professors, clubs, parties, outdoor activities - she likes to keep busy. She even loves the food. She really likes the team spirit and has been to many football and basketball games. She says everyone is very nice (maybe because we are from NJ…).

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Thank you Mjkacmom for sharing your experience - very helpful


I think kids are generally very happy at all three schools. Pay attention to what kids do after college. In this case, VT has a clear edge for academic reputation, networking, and job prospects.


Kelly29 - This is the feedback info I am looking for, what happens after college? esp if the major changes Oar kid doesn’t get into a professional school. Thank you for your input.