Virginia Tech Vs. James Madison University

<p>Okay, I am debating right now on which school is more "prestige" than the other. I am majoring in business. I heard good things from both JMU and V-Tech. It is extremely hard to pick which to attend. I have visited both campuses and each are beautiful. It all boils down to which is considered more "prestige". According to businessweek, JMU is ranked at #28 in national business school, below William & Mary (23rd). Virginia Tech is ranked (54), because it is mainly an engineering school. Also, US NEWS AND RANKINGS, ranks JMU at 2nd in public University and 6th combined with private and public schools for regional University. While Virginia Tech is ranked at a mediocre 73. I got into each of these famous/popular schools. Each have same characteristics, so it all boils to "prestige". Help me decide please!</p>

<p>No, not again. We just had one of these. Go back a couple pages and read the thread. I’d link it but I’m on my phone.</p>

<p>JMU is ranked from among “regional universities” while VT is ranked from among national universities. Big difference. JMU doesn’t even appear in the national universities ranking. That being said, if business week ranks its business school higher than VT, and if you are interested in “prestige”, then you might want to go to JMU. But VT is more recognized nation wide than JMU. In any case, you won’t go wrong with either.</p>

<p>F–K! this is such a hard decision… JMU “Prestige” vs. mediocre Virginia Tech recognition… so difficult to pick. I like recognition + good business school.</p>

<p>You have now posted the same issue ,query in at least 3 places. Just pick a school and be done with it.</p>

<p>“You have now posted the same issue ,query in at least 3 places. Just pick a school and be done with it.”</p>

<p>I only posted this topic twice, Im sorry but it is so difficult to choose between JMU and Virginia Tech. >.<</p>

<p>You also posted in the JMU forum and College Search forum with the same question so I was incorrect. You have actually asked this now in at least 4 places, not 3. Are there any more I have missed?</p>

<p>If you are looking for the “prestige” factor, you are out of luck with both schools really. I had a bit of a chuckle when I read this post; you don’t normally hear anyone on CC use that adjective with either JMU or VT. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>One is a national university, with some fantastic programs that put it nowhere near “mediocrity” in its overall academics. The other is a regional university with some fantastic programs, including the business program you are looking into. </p>

<p>If your decision is based on the bschool rankings number alone, which it sounds like it is, then go to JMU. I am sure there are many high school seniors who would jump at the chance to get your VT admittance spot for next fall- in the Pamplin School of Business.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>Why does it have to be so difficult!!! I wish I got into only one school either JMU or V-Tech, so it would be less stressful. Unless, I get into UVA, that will have to wait for a little more time… sigh.</p>

<p>Good luck then. Most of the strongest students in Virginia for UVa have probably already applied EA. Have you been deferred? Or did you apply RD? Are you from Virginia? (I assume so but you never know). Your posts have been interesting so will be curious to see where you land!</p>

<p>Thanks! I am a transfer student from George Mason University (don’t laugh)!.<br>
Current Cum GPA : 3.84 , 2nd year sophomore.</p>

<p>I got admitted ASAP from Virginia Tech/ JMU within 2 or 3 weeks of my application.</p>

<p>I’m not going to laugh. GMU seems like a very nice school. VT son only applied to GMU,JMU and VT. Older son went to UVa . Good luck . You may very well have good news from UVa as well. I think you may get more support for your questions if you keep the questions in fewer places rather than asking the same question in multiple places.</p>

<p>haha, alright. My bad about that lol, so many thoughts were roaming across my mind during that period.</p>

<p>Agree with posters above- neither VT or JMU are “prestige” schools- for that in state you need either UVA (was second undergrad in US a few years back), W&M or W&L- don’t know that they’ve got a b-school but they’ve got loads of prestige.</p>

<p>Personally I’d vote for VT- huge alumni base to help with prestige and job hunting. George Masons business program is not shabby either!</p>

<p>Sevmom, could you tell me what made your son lean forward to Tech? Thanks</p>

<p>If you do get in to UVa, your choices will get even more interesting. Prestige is not everything. Where you will get a good education AND also feel most comfortable is very important. You can get a good education at GMU,JMU, VT and UVa.UVa is the most prestigious of the bunch but not for everyone. William and Mary also a better fit for some kids than others. VT junior son has made Dean’s List from the beginning, currently 3.88. I thought early on he might want to transfer to UVa but he was more comfortable at VT and never pursued transferring. His brother was a UVa guy,preppy, VT son is more laidback and not into prestige and VT is a better fit for him. You should really consider these types of things as the atmosphere can be very different at the schools you are considering.</p>

<p>HokieorDuke, To answer your question in #15,Son is in engineering so that was a factor. JMU was closer to us but he felt the extra couple of hours drive to VT was not a problem. In the end , he felt VT had more of a national reach and had heard great things about alumni support , school spirit, and job recruiting for VT grads. JMU is also a very good school and I think he would have been happy there as well so it was not an easy decision.</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up! In terms of Pamplin business school, what are your opinions?</p>

<p>Not that familiar with Pamplin. I ran into a mom whose daughter was in Pamplin and she waa very pleased. I think her daughter was in honors and had some kind of internship with Marriott. Career Services at VT has info online of post graduation employers-VT grads are getting jobs with lots of excellent employers so you might want to check that out ,as well as whatever info you can find from JMU to compare. Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>Thank You!</p>