Virginina Tech or JMU?

<p>I have gotten into both school and I am trying to decide now between the two. I am leaning towards Tech but JMU is closer to home and I will find out if I got into the honors college in april. There is a thread for this on JMU's CC page, but the responses seemed biased to JMU and were mostly directed towards the business programs, so I was hoping I could get some more opinions on Tech, as well as opinions on JMU that do not have to do with the business program. Thanks!</p>

<p>There have been several threads on VT v JMU on this board as well. What is your intended major? Personally, I’d take VT over JMU for just about any major unless you’ve visited JMU and feel that you would fit in better there than at VT.</p>

<p>I was planning to double major in polysci and econ, but I am thinking about trying to switch to public and urban affairs, which would make VT the obvious choice, but since it is in the school of architecture and urban planning I am unsure of what my chances would be. Thanks for the advice!</p>