Virtual Tour 2.0

<p>Just to let prospective students know, there's a new virtual tour up on the Rice website with a plethora of panoramas. The few of dorm rooms might be of particular interest (given, they're all of Martel...PLUS they rolled down my windows so you couldn't see the construction when they came in to shoot...but hey, it's better than nothing).</p>

<p>Rice</a> University Admissions Virtual Tour</p>

<p>Wow, all of the college pictures are Martel. Shame they didn’t show some of the south colleges. I’m shocked that I’m actually in one of the pictures. Hooray for the MOB!</p>

<p>I had checked just a few days ago to see if Virtual Tour had been updated, but apparently missed it by just a little bit.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s a lot of Martel. A little bit of Brown, but not inside. I guess they wouldn’t want to show Will Rice or Baker since they’re getting renovated, but there are 6 others that could have been represented. And after they spent all that money to renovate that grove/walk down by Sid Rich.</p>

<p>Ooh, lots of MOB pictures. Shame they couldn’t get the SAs in, though. ;)</p>

<p>UGH! Why the heck are all the pictures of the north colleges?!</p>

<p>Um, because we are the sh1t.</p>

<p>Because Brown probably has the nicest quad and Martel has the nicest rooms, and the administration is willing to engage in selective obscurity for the sake of gaining applicants.</p>

<p>Plus what Beef said…and dude I still don’t know who you are but I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you were at House of Pies with me about three hours ago…along with our entire freshman class. Damn.</p>

<p>Oh hey! One of the pictures has my roomie and a couple of my really good friends as the center of the picture. Funny stuff.</p>

<p>Wait, you weren’t talking to me were you? on my part. D:</p>

<p>Hahaha it’s cool…Beef figured out who I am a while ago and I figured I should reciprocate</p>

<p>I’ve been trying to figure out who people are as well. I don’t know that many people from the north colleges though…</p>

<p>I’m wondering why the virtual tour doesn’t have any pictures of lab space, classroom space, inside of music building and performance spaces, etc. You’d think they would include those!</p>

<p>I know who everyone is. And I was not at House of Pies, but I did go bowling. Or maybe I’m lying… maybe I went to House of Pies but not bowling. Or maybe I went to both? Who knows…</p>

<p>I really need to do more Martel-related things to figure out who all of you people are…</p>

<p>Anxiousmom: I noticed that the tours had titles: the first said something about “our campus.” The second said something about “our community.” Maybe the next one will be about “our classes” or “our academics” or “our schools”?</p>

<p>Yeah, they’re definitely working on the virtual tool thing…I’d expect another one to be up in six months or so.</p>

<p>I know who everyone is BUT beef. Or maybe I do and I’m lying about it because I actually hang out with you and I’d prefer to keep my freakin college confidential account from sophomore year on the dl. Or maybe you didn’t go bowling because if had you would have known that <em>I</em> didn’t go bowling. Or maybe I’m just ****ing with you.</p>

<p>Hmm, I only know who one other CC Rice freshman is. I do, though, know of my next-door neighbor’s dad on CC. That was an interesting realization. I know a couple of the non-freshmen (one, who isn’t active here anymore, was my o-week adviser!).</p>

<p>…I think I might know you…</p>

<p>Wait…You’re from Hanszen…nvm.</p>

<p>yeahallie, I know a bunch of Lovett freshmen…maybe I know you.</p>

<p>I know who yeahallie is. Maybe I’ll work on efs001 over the break >:)</p>