visit for prospective student, last minute panick

<p>This is my first post, although I have lurked these pages in the past. My D (a High School Jr) will be flying out to Carleton this week with a parent to visit---she will not be able to make it out next fall, and is seriously considering Carleton for ED. Unfortunately, admissions won't let her do an official overnight as a Junior. We thought we had a "contact" to arrange an informal overnight, but this fell through at the last minute. She's very nice, sorta quiet, interests include creative writing, flute. Would there be a generous Carl we might be able to find who could house her this Thursday for an overnight? (Friday might also work).</p>

<p>I'll bring your message to the attention of my daughter and see if she can find a host (I'd volunteer her, but she and her roommate are in the musical that has opening night on Thursday so they will be rather busy).</p>

<p>I think she would be happy to be as low profile as necessary just to get a feel for the place. She has done a couple overnights before.</p>

<p>I could do it. And if she comes for the 2:00 tour, I will even be leading her around campus!</p>

<p>I think D will be arriving at Carleton in the late afternoon on Thursday. Tomorrow she can post and hopefully arrange to meet if one of you is available. This would be terrific! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I want to thank the offers of assistance for my D from the Carleton community--speaks well of you folks. As it happens, our original plan for a stay, although dashed on the rocks of happenstance, miraculously arose again, She does have a host. She'll be there tomorrow and I hope she will find the college as welcoming as you guys have been.</p>

<p>Good luck to both of you. I hope she enjoys her visit!</p>

<p>Make sure she brings a good coat, it's unseasonably cold this week.</p>