Visit today

<p>We took the tour, met with Allison, and son sat in on a class. Then I had to go to the ER (all is fine now) and son went to lunch, saw the dorms, toured the engineering dept, and then hung out some more with students until I was discharged. Dr. Sharpes assistant, Susan, was extraordinarily gracious in taking care of me.</p>

<p>We hope to meet with someone from the CS dept tomorrow. If not, that will be okay. At least I will be able to check it out. Son has really likes Bama so far.</p>

<p>Hope you’re OK! A trip to the ER? yikes!</p>

<p>Glad to hear that your son likes Bama so far.</p>

<p>(stay well!!!)</p>

<p>My husband and I also visited UA with our son yesterday (Thursday) and met with several professors and Dr. Sharpe. When we came in for our afternoon appointment he made a small joke about hoping I didn’t end up in the ER or they would have to rethink how they did their Honor’s college visitation schedules! He quickly went on to say that he was glad everything checked out ok with the person it happened to earlier - I’m glad it turned out ok for you.</p>

<p>Our visit was excellent. Dr Hicks, a Computer Engineering Professor, even had insight into dual enrollment courses my son should take next year. Talked over whether additional math (Differential Equations) or Computer Science class/classes would be better. He suggested Computer Science. He also said that if we emailed syllabuses (syllabi?) of the different Computer Programming Courses offered he would recommend which one would best prepare him for Computer Science courses at Alabama.</p>

<p>Great to hear that your visit went well…has your son decided?</p>

<p>We didn’t actually get to met with Dr. Sharpe, but we met him while I was waiting on Susan. I joked that this was my ploy to get him to remember my son. I guess he will! </p>

<p>Today we met with the CS dept chair, Mr. Cortes. That was a very informational meeting.</p>

<p>Son won’t likely decide until we have completed our visits. On to WPI and RIT next week.</p>

<p>^ no biggie, but that’s David Cordes, just in case you ever have to correspond.
Glad you made it out of the ER and the rest of the visit went well. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Yes…and Dr. David Cordes is also in charge of the Frosh Eng’g Program. He’s also very good about answering email questions.</p>

<p>GAMomto4 - Dr. Hicks or Dr. Ricks?</p>

<p>Yep - It was Dr. Ricks - my recall isn’t the best early in the morning!</p>

<p>My son is a junior and this was his first college visit. My favorite part was watching as he was encouraged to get a vision for the things he wanted to learn/explore. He even volunteered to write thank you notes himself (a first!). </p>

<p>H is interested in visiting additional schools to see what’s “out there”. We won’t be able to do that 'til summer.</p>

<p>D2 & I also toured on Thursday :slight_smile: Momom2: I knew you were going to be there & eyed up a few likelies during the bus tour but didn’t want to be a dork. So sorry that you ended up at the ER!</p>

<p>We also met with Allison who gave us a little insight into some upcoming honors college changes. CBPH & UF seem to be staying the same, but UHP is going to roll out programming based on their 4 pillars: civic engagement, cultural interaction, innovative scholarship & advanced research. The incoming class of this year (Fall 2012) will still fall in under the current structure, but starting with Fall 2013 things will be streamlined. If I understood correctly, IHP & UHP and going to be rolled up together. We didn’t get much more than that that I can remember.</p>

<p>D met with Dr. Hornsby, Directory of Blount Undergraduate Initiative & Dr. Burke, Director of the English Honors Program. We had lunch with a lovely HC Ambassador. One thing that was mentioned that intrigued D: she is looking at creative writing programs & UA only has a minor. Dr. Hornsby pointed out that New College would allow her to create her own creative writing major while fulfilling the Blount minor & English major. The idea that such a large university could be so flexible was appealing to her.</p>