Visiting Ithaca, Is it worth going there to visit or should we wait to see

<p>My D is a junior. I was wondering if its worth the cost and time of visiting the Ithaca campus this Fall to see if we like the campus and if it’s a good fit. I am wondering if anyone else has done this. Or should we just apply and see if she gets through the prescreen next Fall and visit when we go to the audition? I have not been able to find their audition dates and wonder if they are in January? I worry about the snow there in January and would maybe opt for Unifieds instead of travelling to Ithaca in bad weather. Thoughts?</p>

<p>My D visited Ithaca in April of her junior year…but it was her first choice school, so it was worth it for us to make the almost 6 hour drive. She also did an on-campus audition. Ithaca is one of those schools that take your child’s picture when they come visit and start a file on them…when my D was there for her audition, they remarked that they knew that she had been there before, so they clearly pay attention. My feeling is that if it is one of your D’s top schools, you should go see the school…you can also try to arrange your visit during one of the theatre performances, so you can see a show, which is very helpful. They usually hold one on-campus audition in early December, and the rest are mid-January through beginning of February. BTW, my D is a sophomore MT there now, and LOVES it. Fabulous program, great campus. Let me know if you have questions. BTW, they are quite good at plowing up there, so don’t worry too much. What we did is just watched the weather, and were prepared to arrive ahead of any storm that may come. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you so much this is so helpful. Especially combining it with a show. </p>