void the fee by applying online, but still send extra materials?

<p>All the schools my D is appying to accept the common app, but also require a supplement. Many of the schools also "welcome" additional materials that are not</p>

<p>Opps, I don't know how I sent that!!!</p>

<p>Here is the question: If you file the common app on line, but send extra paper materials (resume, cover letter, writing sample), does this still count as an online application and let you avoid paying the application fees?
Also, is it safe to split the application into two parts (the electronic application and another packet of materials) or do we risk having the materials lost or filed as two different people?</p>

<p>-You should still get the fee void. I know this is the case for Rochester at least, where I have talked to admissions.</p>

<p>-You can send supplemental materials by mail without risking materials being lost. However, sending the supplement separately is not allowed for some schools. Some require if you submit part 1 online that part 2 is submitted online as well.</p>

<p>So, if we submit the common app online, we should check to see if the supplemental app must be submitted on line as well?</p>

<p>My sense is that it would be better to mail the supplemental, when this is allowed, so that the supplemental can have paper attachments.</p>