Volunteer for "READ Alabama"

<p>Here is a great volunteer opportunity for the Honors students. Check out the “sign-up” page for more information. </p>

<p>[READ</a> Alabama | Honors College](<a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/readalabama/]READ”>http://honors.ua.edu/readalabama/)</p>

<p>"READ Alabama is an educational outreach initiative of the Honors College. Honors College students go to one of five local primary schools and mentor a child for one hour a week. Curriculum, based around the reading of a book, is designed in a way to garner enthusiasm for learning in the mentee. READ Alabama is a strong embodiment of the Honors College mantra – knowledge changes you, you change the world.</p>

<p>If you are an Honors College student at The University of Alabama and would like more information about READ Alabama please contact us at readala@**********. Please see the “Sign-Up” page if you are interested in volunteering with READ Alabama."</p>

<p>It’s a fantastic program & the UA honors students develop bonds with the kids they tutor. This will be D1’s 4th year with the program and she enjoys it tremendously.</p>

<p>Oh that’s fantastic, RobD. My friend’s son is in it too; that’s one reason I was promoting the club.</p>

<p>Do the students need their own car to get there?</p>

<p>I will ask.</p>

<p>“We provide transportation to the schools through carpools. We do not want the lack of personal transportation to be a hindrance to service. There will always be a way for volunteers to get to the schools we serve.”</p>

<p>This is the 1st year that D1 has a car on campus, so she’s managed 3 years with the program without her own wheels. They work it out, but I’m afraid I don’t know the details as its never been an issue!</p>