VT app stats

<p>I don't think anyone will acutally see this, but if you applied to Tech post your stats and such..</p>

<p>White male/Vermont</p>

<p>3.448 GPA UW
SAT: 1280 ACT: 29
Good ECs, no essay</p>

<p>Son was admitted ED to VT engineering.
White male/Pa
double legacy
96% GPA W
25/450 rank
SAT: M740 V630
Eagle Scout; science olympiad awards; ski club; NHS
no essay
applying to honors as well</p>

<p>Dau admitted ED</p>

<p>White female/NH
3.7 GPA UW...4.6 W
Top 5% of class
SAT V550 M580
Various volunteer activities, some part-time work, many years in competitive gymnastics, NHS</p>

<p>Thrilled to get in :-) ...expected a deferral or rejection - worried about SATs, but I guess they liked the fact that she is a good student</p>

<p>Applying RD</p>

<p>1330 SAT (760M, 570V)
30 ACT
SAT IIs: 650 Writing, 650 Physics, 660 Math IIc, 720 Writing
GPA: 3.891 W, 3.84 W
School doesn't rank, but most likely in top 10%
ECs: Marching Band librarian and section leader, sga member, several honor societies (VP of one), Public Library volunteer.</p>

<p>Also applying for the in-state Pamplin scholarship.</p>

<p>Applying RD</p>

<p>1380 SAT
32 ACT
SATIIs: 720 Writing, 750 IIC
GPA: 4.83W, 3.92UW
Rank: 4/270
ECs: Dance 14 years, Spanish Honor Society Officer, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, a few other clubs here and there.
Job at Kumon Math and Reading Center</p>

<p>RD white female/GA
30 ACT (1340 conversion)
SAT II: 750 writing, 720 literature, 580 Math I-C (ick)
4.1 weighted GPA
non-ranking school
tons of EC's and a job
submitted a small essay
applying honors for Environmental Policy</p>

<p>RD asian/richmond ,va
sat I- 680 math, 620 verbal
4.43 gpa
sent in an essay
decent ec's.
school ranks sucks!!!= 65/488
sat Ii- 700 on math I, IIc</p>

<p>out-of-state while male, engineering
1290 SAT 1, 1330 w/SAT 11
1/445 average public high school
4.3 weighted
16 Honors/AP classes
so so EC's</p>

<p>ur number 1 and u have a lower gpa then i do... i hate my school check out my rank people</p>

<p>out-of-state, engineering
1310 SAT 1
3.4 GPA (school doesn't rank)
EC's: 4 years Cross-Country, 4 years Track, Part-time job, and some others ....</p>

<p>will Tech inform us before april 1, or is it on that date for regular decisions?</p>

<p>S is:</p>

<p>Out of state, Engineering
1540 SATs
3.765 UW GPA
29/340 rank
50% of classes accelerated or higher
ECs: Eagle Scout, NHS Treas., V soccer, student senate, newspaper, and so on.</p>

<p>wow, it looks realllly competitive.
"For admission consideration, at least a C average is required from academic course work at the high school level. However, because admission to Virginia Tech is competitive, applicants who have a B+ average or better are more likely to be offered admission."
any comment on this?</p>

<p>I don't think the entire applicant pool is this competitive. This is just a small percentage of high-achievers on CC. And a B+ average would be about a 3.34, so I guess that's the average GPA they're looking at for admission.</p>

<p>i think Jelda was basing that on the quote, but a b+ nowadays isn't all that tough to get-- or at least at MOST schools. </p>

<p>(hopefully) in-state asian/white male, business
630V, 640M
2.9 at competitive international school
1st semester senior GPA: 4.0 (different school- DoDDs)
no ranking at either school
submitted brief essay, weak ECs (band), nice rec f/ old counselor (will they read this?)</p>

<p>In-State, Asian Male
1470 SAT (800M/670V)
3.9 GPA
10/400 Class Rank
10 AP's
Good to Decent EC's
Awesome Rec's
Applied for Electrical Engineering</p>

<p>I was checking my application status and I saw my final high school transcript was empty.
Do I need to send them a mid-term and year-end report?!?!?!</p>

<p>yes, you do, your guidance dept. should know this though</p>

<p>I applied to VT,Corp of Cadets My stats are: SAT M660 V660, In-state, top 10%, Varsity Track, GPA 3.4 u/w. male, outstanding rec's. mostly Honors, AP Calculas BC, AP Chemistry, 4 years Spanish, AP Lang, community volunteer, club reporter. Received 4yr NROTC, waiting to hear from VT.</p>

<p>ADMITTED ED (Pamplin Business)
From Texas