VT for OOS student?

<p>Hi all, I'm a Florida student and am considering VT for electrical engineering. I've visited the campus and really enjoy the student life and how the campus feels in general. I was accepted into Honors and may be able to get some scholarship money. I didn't get any need-based financial aid from the University though. However, I'd like some opinions as to whether it is worth the cost for an out-of-state student? My other option is Univ of FL which is covered by Bright Futures scholarship and the Florida Prepaid College Plan. Thanks for your input.</p>

<p>I’m coming from outside the country, and paying OOS tuition. I lived inbburg for a couple years between middle and high school.</p>

<p>Didn’t submit FAFSA but somehow offered 5k. really didn’t know how that happened. Applying for other scholarships outside, for sure. I love Blacksburg too, and i chose VT cause of: location and price.</p>

<p>*<em>location: i applied to new york, maryland, north carolina, florida, and california, all because of location. *</em>price: at the end of the day, i dont wanna come out of college with debt because i wanted to go to a private school. can always go up to new york or down to florida. i stop by california everytime i go out of the country westwards. **a bonus for me: friends!! i def don’t mind making new ones, but thought it’d be nice to see old friends again. for me, all this is worth it. i’ll save the loans and debts and ‘best schools’ for graduate school hahaaa</p>

<p>tech’s engineering is good. i know next to nothing about UFL, sorry :wink: the one i applied to was UMiami.</p>

<p>we had the same considerations in our family. son loved VT but we live in Florida. For what he wanted to major in (accounting) it just didn’t make sense to spend what would be at least $80,000 more to go there. </p>

<p>I think you have to look at both programs and see if VT is worth a ton more money.</p>

<p>Our thinking is that if my son goes undergrad to Florida school, he’ll have no debts when he graduates and have money for grad school.</p>

<p>and I see since we made our decision, the tuition for out of state students went up over $1300. so it makes even more sense to stay here and use Bright Futures.</p>

<p>How much debt are you going to end up in if you go to VT? If it’s over about 20k or so then UF is a no-brainer. If it’s under 20k then think long and hard about how much more you like VT than UF, and if it’s worth it to you then go VT.</p>