Hi everyone,

At the moment I have two solid choices for the next four years but I have hit a stand still as far as making the decision therefore any advice that can be offered would be greatly appreciated.

I am a potential International Relations major, and I have to decide between the University of Maryland and Virginia Tech.

UMD: I have little merit aid, as well as limited financial aid. Total cost would be around 44 k. I love Maryland’s campus and atmosphere, and I can truly see myself there for 4 years. If I did go to Maryland I would join Rotc in order to alleviate cost with scholarships, and I would take the necessary steps in my first two years to establish residency which would hopefully mean paying in state tutition for my last two years (24 k total cost).

Tech: I am in-state, and I was admitted into the honors college. I have no idea if an invitiation to the honors college is an indication for merit aid but if it is tech would be around 25 k total cost. I like Tech’s atmosphere and campus but I definitely like UMD more.

UMD would put a strain on overall finances for my family, but the oppurtunites for an IR major are still so appealing. I am not sure what I would be trading off acadmically for the difference in cost between the two schools. Tech’s IR program has grown in the past two years, but UMD is still the clear choice for my major.

Any advice, thoughts, or questions are welcome.

Thank you so much!

Do not count on being able to establish Maryland residency after 2 years. That is unlikely and if it was easy, everybody would be doing it!
If the OOS cost of Maryland would “put a strain on overall finances,” that is a good reason to consider taking a closer look at making Virginia Tech work. Good luck with the decision.

You literally cannot be a umd oos student and meet the requirements for residency if you are taking classes at the time. Go in state, whatever you do.

Without a second thought I would pick Virginia Tech. You will not be able to establish instate residency for University of Maryland.

I understand what you mean by the opportunities available for UMd students - the entire govt is in College Park’s back yard. However, I would probably stay in-state - I loved VT / Blacksburg and am having a hard time coming to terms with my daughter going to College Park - while campus is ok, the town is

UMD grad here as well. While I can’t speak to the quality of the majors at either school, VA Tech/Blacksburg in state seems a whole lot nicer than College Park.

…the rest of my message didn’t post after I added a “yuck” emoji.

I recommend VT and that you stay on top of your grades and work with the Co-op office to secure a govt/NGO co-op position or internship - you make money and gain invaluable experience. Regardless of UMd’s reputation and location, they do not have exclusive rights to D.C.

Obtaining residency status is not plan. Many students have to chose schools because of financial reasons. VT is a great school and you will do just as well there as UMD.

“Regardless of UMd’s reputation and location, they do not have exclusive rights to DC.”. True. Both my UVa and VT kid had internships in the DC area. There are MANY Virginia Tech alumni in DC.

Update: I chose VT, thanks for all the comments!

Congratulations! Go Hokies!