W from Class impact? FT Student status?


<p>Through a couple of mistakes, one on our part, and one on UA’s part, my S is currently in CH 101 but we learned that after a DegreeWorks audit by the Registrar’s office, a dual-credit chemistry class he took in high school (that he also earned college credit for from the local CC) satisfies his CH 101 requirement (he still has to take CH 102 next semester).</p>

<p>So, my question is this:</p>

<p>If he drops CH 101 (4 CR) he will be at 11 CR, which of course falls below the generally-accepted 12 CR required to be considered FT student status.</p>

<p>But, he met w/ a staffer in the ChemE department today and she told him that because he has met the requirement for CH 101 (and earned a B during) he can still safely drop the class and UA will still consider him a full time student and it will not impact his financial aid, our insurance, etc. because he has already met an attendance percentage through the semester at this point.</p>

<p>Anyone else have experience with this? Is that accurate info? Will he truly be safe in dropping the class? </p>



<p>He needs to call the Registrar’s Office for confirmation. Or email so that you have the answer in writing.</p>

<p>I have not had this experience but my advice would be to get this in writing from whomever makes these decisions.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Wow, this is a real pickle. I have no experience, but can suggest getting someone higher up in Registrars office to confirm this (rather than just a dept staffer)…and to get it all documented in writing.</p>

<p>(sorry, duplicate post to OP’s comments)</p>

<p>idk if the mid semester offerings have already started or not. could he pick up a class there?</p>

<p>Or see if he can do a contract for one credit…</p>

<p>The Student: What does that mean? I am not familiar with that. Could you please explain?</p>