Wait listed at cal poly

@BayAreaMom15: If you check the common dataset for 2017, these are #'s posted. Since 2017 in-coming class was overenrolled, this makes sense. What is not listed is how many actually opted into the waitlist for all those years which would help determine the acceptance rate off the waitlist. Section C2


Are you supposed to get some kind of confirmation after responding to the waitlist survey? The screen said thank you for responding but S didn’t receive an email and nothing changed in the portal.

Thank you @slotrees and @Gumbymom for pointing me to the right section in the document. I wish I had looked at these before my son applied - the Common Data set for each college is the best resource. But you are right that the one line item missing is how many accepted the waitlist, but still, 15 is a really small number.

@Onederland My son didn’t get any kind of email receipt, so I called the admissions office to make sure his response was recorded and they were able to confirm for me if you want to make sure.

D was Wait Listed with a 4655 MCA score, for Biomedical Engineering. She was pretty sad, She found out last week that she was accepted to UC Davis, which is good as we live 20 min away. Sill waiting to hear from UCLA, USC, UCSB, and UCB Cal Poly was her top pick, so she is still hoping for a Miracle;)

Waitlisted for Ag Bus. back on 3/7/18.

Hoping some of us will hear back sooner than the May 15th.

If any of you on waitlist get admitted sooner, Please keep the rest of us Waitlisters up to date!

Any updates out there? Checking In to see if any waitlisted have moved to admitted or received more details from admissions on timing, slots, etc.

I don’t think any waitlists will be moved before 5/1.

My S is waitlisted for AE…any other AE’s waitlisted on this thread?

My S was accepted to UCSD computer science in the Jacobs college of Engineering. Really unexpected, as they are holistic admissions and he has ZERO programming experience or EC’s. They usually admit people undeclared and have a horrible lottery system for people trying to declare CS or CSE major. Should we try to email Cal Poly to take us off waitlist or just quickly reject offer if one is extended?

@CopperlineX2 IMO I would let Cal Poly know, which may free up a spot for someone else waitlisted sooner, rather than in May.

@Luthien my S is waitlisted AE too.

Does anyone know if they will take you off the waitlist as spots open up in your major and move you to accepted…or will they wait to give all waitlist notifications on May 1st-15th?

@Luthien I would think from a “business standpoint”, they would do rolling admittance from the waitlist. Since most schools seem to have enrollment deadlines of May 1st, I would think Cal Poly has a better chance of filling openings if they let students know before that May 1st deadline. The hope is that people who already know they will enroll elsewhere drop themselves off the waitlist. This way it doesn’t add more delay time for those of us who are still hoping. (i.e. they may give them a certain number of days to respond. If that student is no longer looking at their portal and don’t notice any incoming email, it wasted time for someone who wants the spot).

Does anyone know the procedure of how they notify students if they get acceptances off the waitlist? Also do they give them a time limit to respond?

Where is your S planning to go if he doesn’t get off the list? Mine will go to Purdue, but being from California we really hope he can stay in California at his #1 choice… Good luck to them both!

Thank you for your insightful comments and your good wishes! S has been accepted for AE at CSULB, SJSU and SDSU…still waiting for UCI and ME at UCSB and UCB…S decided to stay in CA for undergrad. Hopefully we will be meeting up at CPSLO for an AE event soon! Good luck to your S!

I got waitlisted in Aerospace Engineering. I’m out-of-state. My Cal Poly GPA is 4.2, my ACT is 27(superscored), and I have put in many community service hours along with a few college credits. In reading all of these threads with the stats in them, I am starting to feel a bit discouraged and curious when I will find out will happen. Although, I have my fingers crossed that I will hopefully make it in since it’s my number one school.

Anybody moved off waitlist? I assume some of the accepted have started making their decision as UC results came out recently. I’m not clear as to whether Cal Poly would hold all final decisions until May or if they would open up spots as they became available.

Son is finally to decision phase between UCSD/UCI for Computer Science or UCSB Honors financial math and stats. All of these students will find a great landing spot, even if they don’t come off SLO’s waitlist. Best of luck to all!

@CopperlineX2 great choices for your son! congrats

What are your Son’s stats?

@Swami911 Not sure if you were asking me about my kiddo
3.95uw/4.33UC capped/ 4.5UC uncapped
30 ACT (35 English 25 Science )