Wait listed at cal poly

@nervouspop guessing waitlist movement will be after the May 1st deadline for acceptances. I bet most kids who accept elsewhere will not bother to decline slo offer. Probably easier for admissions to wait until all current offers have been accounted for.

Congratulations @CopperlineX2 to your chidl!

My son is waitlisted for Mechanical Engineering as well. @nervouspop I agree with @prdmam that admissions at Cal Poly (and likely most other colleges) won’t take students off the waitlist before the May1 deadline because they usually offer acceptances to 2-3X more applicants than their target class# knowing that many will not attend. If they don’t want to over-enroll, they will wait to get confirmation of acceptance May 1. I am just hoping Cal Poly was very conservative this year and did not send out as many acceptances, which means they might need more off the waitlist… Good luck to all of us and our children!

My DD’s portal mentions she will be emailed a survey confirming if you would like to remain on the waitlist or no longer be considered for admission to Cal Poly.

Anyone received this email?

@bugabug my kids email came a few days after the portal notification so have your daughter check her spam email to be sure it wasn

What should I do if I no longer wish to remain on the waitlist?

Thank you @meb1meb1. We called just to make sure and all is well. Now the wait…

@agfavista1600 I would just call admissions to let them know. This way if they were going to give you a spot, there isn’t a delay in giving the spot to someone else.

My daughter got an email at 4:30 today that she was admitted from the waitlist for Environmental Engineering. She has capped GPA, ACT 35 math 35 English, max class points, MCA 4900+ when we figured it, and is from out of state.

@jhoggan Congratulations to your daughter! Also thank you for sharing. Gives us hope that we may hear before May 1st deadline for our other colleges.

Two more out of state Mech Engineering applicants off the wait list! See posts #2631, 2632 on the Cal Poly Class of 2022 thread http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/cal-poly-san-luis-obispo/2050866-cal-poly-class-of-2022-thread-p176.html

I’m hopeful for my son, but is it interesting that the 3 admits are from out-of-state?

Have there been any off the waitlist that are from in-state?

All OOS and engineering so far. Anyone else? CONGRATS to the newly admitted! =D>

I’m really curious how the school can take students off the waitlist before May 1. I thought they usually offer to 2x or 3x of their target enroll number. Is this a reflection of the recent blackface story? Are they concerned more students will decline than projected?

My son just got accepted off the waitlist on Friday for Bio Science. He is OOS also. So happy as this was his first choice!


Looks like other majors are being released :slight_smile:

More good news - my friend’s son on the waitlist got an offer today: in-state, non-local, Business major! Good luck to everyone…

A friend just got off the waitlist for computer science. He was notified by email at 6pm. He’s in-state; Ventura county.

Yeah! nice to see some In-State students finally!

I’m guessing that, due to the admissions SNAFU last year, SLO is being extremely cautious this year and really utilizing their wait list to the hilt. Awesome that they have started accepting applicants off the list before May 1! Saves the SIR deposit to another school. Nicely done SLO and congrats to the newly admitted!!!

Just got Accepted off the Waitlist! Got an email and updated portal on Monday, April 16 at 6:oo pm.
Ag Business Major and Instate. Super happy to not pay U of Oregon a down payment and
gladly will accept my hard earned spot at Cal Poly.