Colorado College - Wait list

Wondering how many students are on the wait list? Does anyone know how much movement there has been from the wait list in past years?

You can Google “Common Data Set Colorado College” and click on whatever cohort year you desire to see. In section C you will find admissions statistics… look for # on WL, # accepting WL, and # admitted from WL. Looks like anywhere from 16-25 have been taken (each year) from the WL over the past 4 years.

Anyone recently get an email from CC something like this? “We know you have been wait listed by CC. However, you are a highly desirable student and we would like to keep you in consideration, so we strongly hope that you will accept a place on our wait list for possible consideration/admission in the near future.” HUH? Why didn’t they just admit the student from the get-go? So, are they just protecting their yield? Not enough deposits have come in so far, in relation to last year (or wherever) so they want to sure they really have enough students in the first year class? Anyone else get a email or notice like that?

@radimom Did you receive the email after accepting a place on the wait list? I didn’t receive one although I submitted their wait list reply form. It’s a good sign for you probably.

No, actually no response has been given to the waltlist letter. No place on wait list accepted–that’s why the email seems to be urging a positive response. Not entirely sure it’s a good thing–sure leaves the applicant (someone I advise) hanging…like, what is the person supposed to do? Wait until after May 1, hope for financial aid, what if student gives it up at another place that did say Yes…

That’s how waitlists work. It’s not unique to Colorado College. You either accept a spot on the waitlist and hope for the best while accepting a spot elsewhere from your choices by 5/1 or you don’t and move on. I know it’s not fun to be waitlsted but I’m not sure what you are expecting to be different.

@radimom, I would strongly recommend that you search out the common data set and temper your student’s expectations. Yes, it is possible to get in from the wait list of any college, but the odds are really, really low.

For last year (2017-2018) section C2 of the common data set recorded 763 students offered a place on the waiting list, 212 accepting a place, and 16 admitted. This statistic is available for a number of years back, and is consistent more or less with many schools. The number offered a spot on the waitlist is often higher than the total number of freshman admits!