Wait Listed: Special Offer for Spring 09

<p>Can somebody explain this to me in detail? My letter was pretty vague on the specifics, and I'm really growing impatient waiting for a response from the admissions office.</p>

<p>Why don't you call them? To me it sounds like you didn't get accepted for fall08 but you can come for spring 09. That happened to my friend at a different college when we applied after high school.</p>

<p>can u tell me your stats?</p>

<p>Brandeis admits a January class every year. They do all right.</p>

<p>I considered Miami to be a low reach, but that was before I realized how competitive this years class would be.</p>

<p>3.7 UW GPA
1250/1850 SAT
Everything else was pretty good, but nothing really super impressive.</p>

<p>My wait list decision letter came with a seperate letter with three boxes to check.</p>

<li><p>Accept a place on Fall 08 wait list.</p></li>
<li><p>Enroll for Spring 2009.</p></li>
<li><p>Decline wait list.</p></li>

<p>The thing about calling the admissions office is that I don't want to call having absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Basically, I don't want to call and sound as clueless about this as I actually am.</p>

<p>Yep. Waitlisted exactly the same way.</p>

<p>It seems like I can't go to any school that I want to go to due to my crappy freshman/sophmore record at Belen Jesuit prep, the gayest, most homosexual-ridden, and all-round worst school in South Florida, or in the nation for that matter (to which I have since left and transferred to another school) I was rejected from FIU Honors (accepted to regular), rejected from UCF Honors (accepted to regular as well), waitlisted at the "U", and also at FSU, to which I rejected their offer of placement on their rubbish list.</p>

<p>Ah well, I guess I'll be goin' to FIU. At least only for one semester.</p>

<p>more and more good schools are offering the spring semester option. as far as i know it's a very good way to start at a school, assuming it's the one you want. schools, as you know are being flooded with good applicants and so rather than rejecting them, they want to keep them, knowing there'll be room for them the following semester. usually you take classes and matriculate them all in the spring;there is usually housing at the school, as well, for this group. good luck.</p>

<p>Yes, I know for sure that USC also has the Spring admit option, as well as an increasing number of other schools. You can take courses at your local community college for 1 semester and then start UMiami in the Spring, transferring in the courses and not losing any time toward graduation.</p>

<p>I was accepted off of the wait list today!!</p>

<p>It actually couldn't have come at a better time because I was literally about to make my final decision between two of my safety schools. </p>

<p>I talked to an admissions rep and she said that I'd be mailed financial aid info early next week. On my original wait list letter, it said that "limited" financial aid would be available for students accepted off of the wait list. </p>

<p>Should I expect to get nothing off? Or will I get some aid, just not as much as students accepted RD?</p>


<p>If anyone has any experience with financial aid coming off of the wait list please post here. I want this anticipation to end so that I can know where I'm going to college. </p>

<p>I just don't think I can afford Miami at full tuition.. so I'm hoping for at least some need based aid.</p>