Waitlisted for Fall, Please Help!!

<p>Hi I got wait listed for fall 2012, but admitted for spring 2013. Miami is my number 1 choice and I can't imagine going anywhere else but Miami!! Does anyone know what I can do to improve my chances of getting accepted for fall? My GPA un weighted is 3.45, weighted is 5.11, I'm in 6 IB classes, have a A/B average, 27 for act, 1700 for SAT. Please let me know on what i can do to improve my chances!!</p>

<p>Apparently if you’re willing to pay in full and you tell them, that puts you in the upper end of the wait list.</p>

<p>Do you know if that is actually true?? Cus my family has serious financial problems. Does anyone know how sympathetic the admissions office is? Cus my dad was diagnosed with cancer this year so if I told them that and UM was my #1 choice, would that improve my chances?</p>

<p>Sorry about ur dad. I was also waitlisted but with no offer on my UM of Spring or DC. Just a letter for the Fall. Was ur offer about the Spring on your UM status? I’m nervous that maybe I am at the bottom of the “waitlist” as I wasn’t even offered any alternative. I haven’t received anything in the snailmail yet. What do you guys think? It’s my number 1 also. If I was lucky enuf to get in, do they ever give the “waitlist” kids any aid?</p>

<p>online it doesn’t say that i was admitted for spring, but in a email and letter they sent me thats what it said… i haven’t gotten any snail mail or any financial aid/scholarship yet either… i don’t wanna wait till spring to start college cus i wanna be able to join a sorority and go to football games and definitely don’t wanna graduate late either!!</p>

<p>What they may not tell you is that if you deposit for Spring, they consider you more seriously for fall if spots open…</p>

<p>If Miami is your #1 send your deposit; they permit you to go anywhere first semester…</p>

<p>And btw, isn’t rush there second semester? Check and see if you are eligible to rush as a spring admit…not sure</p>

<p>UM doesn’t let you join a sorority your first semester anyway. And you can still attend football games. If I were you and UM really is your #1, i’d take the spring semester into serious consideration. You can take classes over summer to make up the lost credits. Yes, it’s not ideal but if you have your heart set on UM then think and the pros and cons and if you’d rather miss a few months at UM or spend the next 4 years elsewhere and never go to UM.</p>

<p>I am considering taking the spring acceptance, but they don’t offer financial aid for those students… I need opinions on what you would do if you were in my situation.
Waitlisted for fall, but admitted for spring to yur number 1 college. Accepted for fall to number 2 college. Your number one college won’t give much or any financial aid for spring, and you really need financial aid. </p>

<p>Also, if i were to accept the spring for Miami, but decided to do some pre-req classes at a local college to get some credits, would Miami accept them??</p>

<p>If you can’t afford your #1, not much you can do about that, unfortunately but you will succeed wherever you go…</p>

<p>They will accept credits from almost anywhere, but you will need to confirm that specifically…</p>

<p>If finances were an issue then UM is out of the question. I wouldn’t dig myself into $240,000 debt for undergrad. However, are you sure you’re not eligible? Even as a sophomore if you get a high GPA in the spring semester?</p>

<p>And you would have to enroll at the local CC and become a CC student to take those classes because you are not a high school student anymore so you can’t take them as dual-enrollment.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how transferring to UM after 2-year works? Lets say I go to UF (my #2) for 2 years then transfer to UM. I plan on majoring in Astronomy at UF and Meteorology at UM along with Pre-Med, so most of the courses will be the same. Someone told me since um is private, it may not accept those credits from UF or another public college. Is that true? Sorry for all the questions, I’m just extremely infused on what I should do!</p>

<p>Can I ask where you found the info about Spring and/or DC? I opened my admission status on my UM and a letter appeared telling me that I was waitlisted and I would receive a snailmail letter. I never received an email. Am i missing something? Is it true that Spring acceptances don’t receive any aid. Hang in there. Ufla is my 2nd also but I am hoping for the U</p>

<p>Last year my S was deferred at Early Action, then waitlisted for Fall/accepted for Spring at Regular Decision time. He immediately emailed his regional admissions director and accepted his place on the waitlist. He also told him everything that he had been doing academically, extracurricular and work-related since his application was submitted. His Assistant Principal wrote a wonderful recommendation letter stating why he was such a perfect candidate for UM, and reinforcing that it was his first choice. The Head of Guidance at the high school personally spoke to the Regional Admissions director at UM on his behalf, and faxed him the letter from the AP. He did all this within two weeks of being notified. About a month or so later, last April 19th, he received an email stating that he was accepted from the waitlist. I believe he had 48 hours in which to accept or he would give up his place to the next person on the list.</p>

<p>If you really want UM, be proactive. Contact the admissions director responsible for your location. Send them additional info on honors, awards, experience etc. See if your guidance department will reach out to that individual. Good luck!</p>


<p>My son received an e-mail telling him he’s on the wait-list on 3/6/12. On 3/7/12 he received an e-mail telling him that he had been admitted for the Spring and offered him the opportunity to attend the fall semester in DC at American. They said in that e-mail that not everyone on the wait list had been offered this opportunity.</p>

<p>I’ve already called the admissions office and emailed the admissions director. I just went on spring break, but im going to try to email my guidance counselor and see what he says. If you get accepted for Fall from waitlisted, does anyone know how much financial aid usually would be given? like would it be one of the normal scholarship offers or less??</p>

<p>bruceb28- What is your son’s intended major? I’m just curious because my D had the very same scenario. Her stats are higher than many of the kids who got accepted EA (AND FROM AN EXTREMELY COMPETETIVE NJ HIGH SCHOOL) and her stats are not at all what she is about. Her leadership roles in school and within the community are outstanding, ie: Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper, Secretary of the National Spanish Honor Society, Student Rep for a townwide advisory committee for disabilities, Student Rep for school safety committee that focuses on bullying education and student life. You can add Girls State and the Eisenhower Leadership Award sponsored by the US Military Academy at West Point!
With that said, she wants to double-major in journalism and poly sci, so I can’t help but think that they are using her to “legitimize” their new UM in DC.
I was speaking with a parent of another student whose son was accepted EA. She couldn’t understand that my D was waitlisted! My D was accepted at UF, UT Austin, Wisconsin, etc. and her son was rejected or deferred from all of those. His stats are a tiny bit lower and he is the Captain of the Varsity Basketball team!
Nothing makes sense about this… NOTHING! Truth be told, Miami is not at the top of her list. She has some really great choices so far and will hopefully have some more once she hears from Northwestern, Syracuse/Newhouse, and GW!</p>

<p>Hi I looked in myum online and it said that I had been selected to be placed on the waitlist for fall semester. It didn’t say anything about DC or spring admission. I haven’t received any letters either through regular mail. I received an email saying something about spring admission but then got another one saying that information was wrong. I’m just wondering when do you get notified of the final decision. Has anyone gotten off the waitlist already ?</p>

<p>Pryanka- my nice is in the same situation. Are you a pre- med student? Only pre- med were offered the DC deal. You can go anywhere for credits. She will do a semester at FIU and transfer. About the 2 year. If you transfer then you will have to apply as a transfer student unless you could extend the time they’ll accept you (not too sure). You can try UF and maybe you decide to stay. If not you still have the option to accept the Spring semester in Miami.I think you just might loose your deposit .</p>

<p>Today at UM they said that they remove people from the wailist based on the class composition. They try to create a diverse class so they might choose some people from one school over the other, or boys over girls.</p>