Waitlist Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

Any idea on when they might start taking folks off the wait list?

Does anyone know how to remove yourself from the waitlist? I’m not really interested in VT anymore.

Sorry something about your applications didn’t mix well with admissions (I saw JMU rejected).

If you want off the VT waitlist for some reason I would just email such to appchange@vt.edu

Eh, I’m pretty sure my counselor letter of “recommendation” screwed me over because she probably mentioned my time in juvie…oh well

Does anyone have any insights into why the VT waitlist admissions follow such a strange see-saw pattern? (No admissions from the waitlist one year, plenty the next, none the next, etc.)

As someone else noted, the pattern does not bode well this year.


I was told that it was because one year they would over accept, and therefore not be able to take anyone off the waitlist, and then the year after that they would try to avoid this by accepting way less and end up accepting a bunch of people off the waitlist. And this pattern has apparently been going on for a while

Waitlisted EA in-state Southeast VA for engineering: 1250 SAT, 28 ACT, 3.9 GPA W and around 3.4 UW.

Grades weren’t the best after having a bad slump junior year, and I think I just got considered for the waitlist because of strong EC’s and essay’s, involvement with an engineering magnet program, and possibly legacy and minority status (I attended a lot of CEED and RISE events at Blacksburg). There was a specific early application through CEED, but I was unable to apply because it required not having anything below a C, and I had just gotten a D in an AP class from the slump year. I have four friends from the same school who applied through the CEED application and all of them got in, two for engineering; one of which isn’t in the engineering program. I also have a friend at the school who applied RD and got into engineering on a full ride! I feel left out but at the same time I’m happy for all of them.

I’m not surprised that I’m WL but the situation just sucks. I was basically raised a Hokie, and I spent all of high school making getting in my main priority, so it just hurt when I found out and came to the realization that achieving that dream is kinda unlikely now.

Since then I’ve been accepted into NCAT, Penn State University Park, Kentucky, and ODU; all for mechanical. At the moment I think the most economic way for me to go is to pay matriculation for ODU, pray for a miracle, and if I don’t get off Tech’s waitlist either settle or work towards transferring in.

I’m not sure if I’m saying too much or not, but I guess I’m just looking for guidance from people in the same boat as me. The schools I got into are all good choices, but I feel like none of them fit me as well as Tech does, and for the first time in a while I have a lot of uncertainty about my future. I’m not gonna let it deter me from what I want to accomplish though. If I need it to I’ll grind at ODU and work towards starting my career in engineering, but if there’s anyway I could do it in Blacksburg, either immediate or long term, I’ll take it.

Best of luck to everyone and Go Hokies

Does anyone know when they are removing people off the waitlist? I heard they started already.

@vtfan33 where’d you hear that? I’m not sure if they have started already this year but last year it started around april 26th or so i believe.

I just heard it from people… maybe it’s wrong

@vtfan33 i see… it’s weird bc past trends have shown this year there would likely be no acceptances off the waitlist, but with the whole early action implementation who knows.

Yeah! No school usually waitlists early action too so hopefully they will pull people off. Did anyone do an appeal letter here?


Waitlisted, GPA 3.77 (not sure W or UW), SAT 1530, ACT 32, what’s my chance?


Does anyone know if they have a limit for how many people they accept from each high school? A lot of people at my school were waitlisted to VT, so I feel like it’s gonna be more competitive if they start pulling people off the waitlist. Do you think that will be the case?

@delstu honestly it’s impossible to tell… tech says their waitlist is unranked so no idea how they’re gonna pull people off

I think it depends on how people in that specific major denied their acceptance I believe. They cap their freshman class at 6600 according to the website. Last year, they pulled people off the waitlist starting April 26. Good Luck to everyone!! I think since they waitlisted so many students, they will take people off the waitlist. I think they want to fill the 2023 class with waitlisted students so they don’t run into the problem they had 2 years ago.

Anyone knows how big is the waitlist this year?

Hey there my goys and gals, just felt like i should share my general stats since that is round half of the posts here.
GPA at time of app: 3.68
Sat Score: 1430
From NOVA (Loudoun Specifically)
Got waitlisted from the college of engineering with a regular decision app so hey that’s pretty good!
Currently i guess now on this thread just to see how other people are doing, now i know this is painful if you really want to go to tech now remember theres always the option of going to a community college for a year or two then transferring. That is my current plan as I already have a portion of the credits i need to eventually transfer into the Sophomore year of VT engineering (yay for my 5 on my AB exam).
Good luck everyone! I hope ya’ll get in!
-A. B.

anyone else get a call from vt admissions today?

no, what did they say