
Are waitlist decisions coming out tomorrow? Does anyone from previous years know the approximate date they will come out? Trying not to get my hopes up but that’s pretty difficult

@mneagles Decisions aren’t released all at once for the waitlist. I saw on CC looking back at last year, that a fair amount of kids got calls to come off the waitlist around May 5-7. Then I believe calls came here and there until about June 20th when the waitlist closed. Best of luck to you!

Are students informed when the wait list has been closed?

I assume there will be an email when the wait list closes. You can also check the Student Center in your My UW page to see your current status.

Do any of you know what the likelihood of getting off the waitlist would be this year? Could I call an admissions counselor and would they be able to tell me or is it disclosed information? I applied in early October and was deferred in January and now waitlisted. I am very desperate to get in it is my top choice by a long shot! Anyone have an idea of how many kids get waitlisted? Is it a select few or many? Please help me out thank you!

@bucky303 : this is what I got reply

Thank you for contacting the University of Wisconsin-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment. As the national decision day, May 1st has just passes, we are receiving updates from students who are admitted whether they decide to attend UW or not. Therefore, we are working on collecting data and see how many spots we have available for waitlist. As the waitlisted students’ application will be reviewed again, that will take some time. However you will hear back from us sometime before the end of June. If you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to contact us again.

On, Wisconsin!


Office of Admissions & Recruitment
University of Wisconsin-Madison
702 West Johnson Street, Suite 1101
Madison, Wisconsin 53715-1007

@bucky303 : this is what I got reply

Thank you for contacting the University of Wisconsin-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment. As the national decision day, May 1st has just passes, we are receiving updates from students who are admitted whether they decide to attend UW or not. Therefore, we are working on collecting data and see how many spots we have available for waitlist. As the waitlisted students’ application will be reviewed again, that will take some time. However you will hear back from us sometime before the end of June. If you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to contact us again.

On, Wisconsin!


Office of Admissions & Recruitment
University of Wisconsin-Madison
702 West Johnson Street, Suite 1101
Madison, Wisconsin 53715-1007

@bucky303, my daughter is in the same boat. First deferred and then waitlisted.

I think it’s good that they are reviewing the applications again. My D submitted more academic award information and another (wonderful) recommendation but didn’t do it until it was too late for the second pass through the applications. I’m pleased that they will be able to consider that information in the third pass.

What is your backup plan? My D put a deposit down on another university in case she doesn’t get into the UW.

Any waitlisted student, for any school, should definitely have another school to attend. A loss of a deposit is small compared to the four years cost of college.

has anyone gotten in off the waitlist yet?

@bode10 i was wondering the same thing, previous years they came out around this time

My friend and I were accepted off of the waitlist May 2nd. I got the call just after school and got the official email two days later.

@Wisco123 were you in state or out of state?

@Wisco123 Also, could you please share your unweighted GPAs and ACT scores for yourself and your friend? And which school/major you were both accepted to?

Thank you!!

I don’t know my friends GPA but I had a 28 ACT and a 3.02 unweighted GPA with a lot of circumstantial factors and recommendations. We are both in state, attend private high schools, and were accepted into the College of Letters and Sciences.

@Wisco123 Thanks for following up and congratulations to you and your friend!

@rbc1999 yes I did enroll and a few other UW schools. There are about ten kids that I know of from my school that got waitlisted and so far none of them have heard back… is this year harder to get off the waitlist?

Have any oos students been called off the waitlist?

@bucky303, my daughter doesn’t know anyone who has come off the waitlist either. There is no way to tell how hard it is to get off the waitlist because none of us work on the admissions committee. I’m sending good luck your way! Report back when you get in!

has anyone else heard about getting off the waitlist? there’s gotta be more than 2 people