Waitlisted at Case?

Can you share email?

We know that the waitlist process can be confusing, and as much as we try to share information by email and websites, there may still be some unanswered questions. For this reason, I will be offering an online information session to discuss the waitlist process at Case Western Reserve University.

To accommodate different schedules and time zones, I will be offering three different sessions. Each session will last approximately 30 minutes. Choose the session that best matches your schedule:
Monday, April 1, 8:00 PM Eastern
Monday, April 1, 10:00 PM Eastern
Tuesday, April 2, 8:00 AM Eastern
I look forward to connecting with you. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission at admission@case.edu or 216.368.4450.
Best regards,


Yeah, I was shocked by the merit award they would give my son. Really nice! I hope he seriously considers it. I think he’s been turned off by being wait-listed. (Can’t blame him, really)

Trixy34 did you get the above email? Are you going to watch?

What I really want to know is whether they will give students time to re-visit the school between an offer to come off the waitlist and acceptance.

@zoemurr - Not sure. I’m a bit torn about how involved I should be at this point. If it hadn’t been for me pushing him to expand his application list, his only option within budget at this point would have been Penn State (which he hasn’t even visited yet). I’m about as tired of advising and harassing this kid as he is of me talking about college. I will probably mention it to S19, but I won’t push him to watch. I do feel, though, that he should be treating this more like an acceptance than a wait-list.

guys how great is UT Arlington? it’s the only college that I have been accepted to. All other colleges turned me down except Case. It wait listed me.
And these days I am crying day and night and begin my day the same. I am not going to prom either because I think I would be humiliated for getting rejected.from everywhere.


  1. You are going to college! Many people don’t get to do that.
  2. I assume you live in Texas…you get to go to a great value of a school since you are going in state.
  3. You will have a chance to shine at UT
  4. You should go to prom…nobody but you knows where you are going to college…people think others care more about us than is true in reality.
  5. You were not rejected from everywhere
  6. If you would 100% go to CWRU if accepted, let them know. We have to wait and see how many they take of the waitlist.
  7. Start thinking like you are going to UT-A and let CWRU be a delightful surprise if it happens.
  8. Talk to someone about your feelings
  9. Before May 1, accept UT’s offer and buy your sweatshirt
  10. You got this!

@bopper is major gonna be a huge role into determining who’s off the waitlist? They gave me the option to shift from bio to Nutrition at case to fill gaps.

Also should I ask them about consideration for spring admission, or keep on the waitlist and be patient still

Case has a single door admissions policy…once you are admitted you can major/take classes in whatever you want. So this seems odd to me.

Last year they offered some students deferral for a year (it may have been a semester in some cases). I don’t know how to advise you…which is more important to you…getting into Case or starting this fall?

Would you be able to share the email they sent you about the change of major? That is the first time I have heard them doing that and would like to included it in the Waitlist FAQ

@bopper sure how do you want me to share it? Do you want to give me your email or…

just post it here…(taking out any identifiying info) if you don’t mind…or you could PM me after you get enough posts to be able to do so.

looks like Case is not going to pull any students off before 5/1.

Case is asking if we are interested in semester GAP option. Not sure how many would opt for that

That was offered last year…i think some people may have gone for it.

I thought that was gap year. Right?

The new friday email to gauge waitlist interest now has the option to indicate interest in a Spring semester enrollment. I’ve been admitted to Trinity U, but would rather go to CWRU- although the Spring option is something I don’t fully understand and haven’t been able to weigh properly as an option. FAQ says that indicating interest in the Spring semester doesn’t remove one from the normal Fall waitlist, but maybe it reduces the chance at getting in during the Fall if CWRU thinks they could easier slot someone who would accept spring into a Spring spot. I really have no clue what to do and would appreciate any advice or information on the Spring semester enrollment, if it’s a fine idea, how it works at CWRU and how it affects my chances to indicate interest in it as an option. I’d be going for Mech Engineering. Thanks!

My neighbor’s kiddo asked me the same thing last night about the gap semester situation. My inclination is Case is having a similar situation like last year with a higher yield and therefore not many spots are left available for the waitlist. One of my son’s best friend is now studying at Case (BioChem) and he told me Case offers many of the same classes required for 1st and 2nd year in both Fall/Spring semesters, and if you are ambitious enough, you can take some of the science classes during Summer (BIOL 214, 214, 216… even OCHEM I and II). I suppose Case will put all the gap semester kiddos in similar areas in the dorm, so they can form groups and mingle. It is really not that difficult to make friends at Case, the kiddo now at Case told me. He is now involved in Greek, and two other clubs, plus volunteering, and have a steady group of study-buddy. He said classes are very hard, and the grading curve for 1s 2nd year in many of the core classes are straight 90% with no rounding or curves, but he loves the school. He was deciding between Cornell and Case last year and went for Case because of the 27K merit, and he had absolutely no regrets. Good luck to everyone on the waitlist.

Hey guys I just got admitted to the spring semester

My D was just offered admission to spring semester. She will still be considered for the fall should space become available.l