Waitlisted at Georgetown Question

Firstly, I wanted to ask if it is okay/smart/crazy to call or meet up with an officer to talk about considering me for NHS even though I applied to the college. I realized I like the human sciences major in NHS more. Would this make me look indecisive or could this possibly help me if they consider me for both?

Also, how much does being waitlisted and then accepted instead of outright accepted spoil the experience? I know the school you attend is more important, I just want to know if people in the GAAP Facebook group have already decided room mates by then, do you get worse choices for housing, is it bad not getting to attend GAAP weekend and knowing everything about the school like others do. stuff like that.

I’m in the GAAP Facebook group and I can say that I, along with some friends, have already found roommates. I would say the GAAP weekend definitely solidified my decision as I was choosing between gtown and vandy (2 very diff schools). It didn’t necessarily spark something in me or change my whole outlook as I always liked Georgetown, but I think meeting people in the Facebook group is what made me commit as well-- I love the people!

I am a rising sophomore and was admitted EA. I know TONS of people who were off the waitlist, and some of them are my best friends. It DOES NOT spoil the experience. That said, I wouldn’t switch to the NHS just yet. They might view it as desperate.