Waitlisted at University of Miami

<p>I just got notified that I have been waitlisted for the fall 2012 semester at UM. What do you think my chances of getting in are? Is it worth applying for the Spring semester instead?</p>

<p>What was your gpa if I may ask.</p>

<p>My S was wait listed yesterday too. GPA 3.0, but high (over 700’s) test scores. Any info about their wait list practices would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Waitlisted 87 GPA, 2200 SAT. Really confused right now…</p>

<p>I got waitlisted too ,but accepted for the spring semester. My GPA is a 3.7/4.0 UW, 4 APs, 30 ACT. Yesterday, I talked to my admissions counselor and she gave me better details on the waitlisting procedures. From what I took out of it the University of Miami looks for the most well rounded freshman class. For example, if there are less guys attending than girls they would seek males placed on the waitlist. This same procedure applies for majors.</p>

<p>my GPA unweighted is 3.97 but my SAT is 1900. Does anyone know how many were waitlisted and if they rank you by number or some system like that?
@ rbjackson1994- I have heard the same thing as far as a balanced freshman class goes, but there really isn’t any way to know what they are looking for, right?</p>

<p>Good question. Does anyone know how many they put on the waitlist and are we even in the running for any fin. aid??</p>

<p>Waitlisted as well. 32 ACT. 3.92 weighted gpa capped. Uncapped would be a 3.96. Good EC’s and essays.</p>

<p>is anyone doing the D.C. program because you were waitlisted?</p>

<p>Waitlisted! So bummed, I was really hoping to get in. I figure it’s not really worth it to keep pursuing, what do you all think?</p>

<p>Livk128, what are your stats if you don’t mind me asking?</p>


The question is subjective… whether or not you should pursue it is determined by your interest in the university, what it has to offer you and what you have to offer it…</p>

<p>If you applied just to apply and see what happens, then no it wouldn’t be worth pursuing, but if it’s been your dream school or top choice for particular reasons then yes, I’d say it’s worth pursuing.</p>

<p>@tiahope, private message me! I don’t mind sharing just not publicly :)</p>

<p>@seekinguni I see what you mean… I don’t really know to be honest. It seems like I applied to all my schools just “to see what happens” 'cause I really didn’t know what to expect with this whole process. I’ve gotten into my top choice (Tulane) as well as five other schools (UDel, UMass, UMD, IU, and UVM) but I guess I just kind of wanted another option–I know that sounds selfish. I guess I want to have as many choices as possible so I can pick the most logical school in considering all of the factors that go into the decision. I don’t mind putting in extra effort to remind them I’m still interested because in the long run it’s worth it, but then again I don’t want to be taking someone elses spot who might really be dying to go there. I’ll probably stop contact now, but again, it’d just be nice to have more options.</p>


Well it’s getting kinda late in the season, and no matter how many schools you get into, you can only attend one. It’s getting near that time where you start crossing schools off and looking more into others. If you haven’t already, you should be determining what you want in a school and what factors are most important to you, and then determine what you’re able to do in terms of cost and finances.</p>

<p>For me, I applied to 9, have been accepted to 6 yet already decided and committed to the University of Miami. The schools from which I am still awaiting decisions are Stanford, Duke, and Georgetown which seems to surprise people when I tell them that I’ve made up my mind and “settled” for UM. I chose UM because I’ve spent enough time there (campus visits, staying in Miami and Coral Gables, and finally Stamps weekend) and know that it feels right, it fits me and I fit it. I also have a fair amount of financial aid to work with and make it work, so why risk jumping at what SOUND like greater opportunities (Stanford, Duke, Georgetown)? I’d be doing so blindly, I won’t have enough of a feel for them to make a good decision, and not to mention my decision will be rushed (we’ll hear by April 1st, and responses are due by May 1st… I live in FL so would have limited time to “check them out” upon acceptance). </p>

<p>My point overall is that you need to start picking out which ones feel right and check out with your gut. Then if you have the finances covered, or at least something to work with, then really consider that one school. Dwell on it for a week and see what you think. If Miami isn’t it, then don’t waste your time or as you said, risk taking a spot somebody else may value (though that issue is a very small one).</p>

<p>Good point. Thanks a lot! Reading that was pretty insightful… I’ve got to start crossing some schools off. It’s just hard having to lay everything out and cross-examine what is most important at what school. A big factor for me is the cost, so if I was waitlisted at Miami anyways it’s not like they’re going to give me merit aid. You’ve made my choice pretty clear! Thanks, SeekingUni & best of luck to you at the U of M!</p>

<p>If you don’t intend to enroll at UM even if you are accepted (and this doesn’t just apply to you, it applies to everyone) I encourage you to contact the admissions office and let them know. This may allow someone else to get admitted. This doesn’t just apply to people who were waitlisted: if you were accepted but don’t plan to go, let them know!</p>

<p>That having been said, if there’s any chance, however remote, that you would go if you were accepted, don’t send them such an email.</p>

<p>I got waitlisted too for the fall semester, but got in for the spring semester. I let them know yesterday that I still want to be considered for the fall. I’m hoping they get back soon because now my heart is set on University of Maryland and I would like to visit UMiami with purpose (knowing that I’m admitted). My GPA is a 4.25 weighted and my SAT is 1950 (610 math 620 reading 720 writing). Anyone know if there’s a certain date they’ll let us know by?</p>

<p>How do you tell if your on the wait list? I added myself on the waitlist off my phone but i never received an e-mail or anything. How do i tell?</p>