Waitlisted at Vandy?

My daughter got the email

I got the email too. I had assumed it was sent to everyone - maybe not??

Please post when you get another email.

A tip for those who might be expecting correspondence. Check your SPAM folder to be on the safe side. Two years ago Our D received an offer off the waitlist and it went directly into spam. The only reason we found it in time was by checking this forum for timing on communications. She received it on a Friday and we found it the following Tuesday (one day after the reply deadline!) Luckily she was able to explain what happened and will soon be a rising junior Dore.

Good Luck to all!

got another interest verification email

Same, just got my second verification email.

Thanksā€“Iā€™ll let my D know to check! Keep posting any updates. I will say that she sent a letter of cont. interest, her new grades, principal and another teacher rec. she also won an academic award, unbeknownst to her, and her GC is sending that info to her vandy counselor.

Anyone think there is any chance they will do anything this week? My D already put a deposit down at UCLA, but she would still love a spot at Vanderbilt.

I really wish they would do something this week as well.

I have a feeling they might. They seem to be ahead of schedule compared to past years and the waitlist letter said that they may start making offers before May 1st, even though they do not usually do so.

did the letter say May 1st?

I agree-- compared to the last few years theyā€™ve sent out two ā€œare you still interestedā€ emails rather than one. What letter are you talking about though (Iā€™m sure my D knows but Iā€™m trying not to stress her out).

It was the attachment on the myappvu portal on the same page as the decision announcement for the wait listed students.

When my D got in off the wait list four years ago, the calls began on May 2, and she got the call that day. Iā€™m sure they wait until after May 1 so that they know exactly how many spots that they have to offer. They have a finite number of spots in the Commons, and they canā€™t accomodate any more students than that. But, throughout the summer, more spots will open up here and there, as admitted students get in off waitlists elsewhere. You could get a call as late as August.

Someone posted in another thread last night that they were accepted off the wait list.

@Work2Live Which thread?

@twinsmom15 I may have misread it. The thread is ā€œNo Vandy Encouragement to Commit?ā€ and they may have been referring to an earlier time.

I donā€™t know of anther Vandy waitlist thread for this year?

Oh I saw thatā€“I think she meant an earlier year.

Ues, the person who posted in the other thread about getting in off the waitlist is currently a First Year (unless she is done with finals, which would make her a sophomoreā€¦)