Waitlisted at Vandy?

not too many people on this forum compared to other years…maybe a good sign?

Anyone received another interest email? It seems like they would send one out today or tomorrow.

I think they would too.

Wondering how many people still remain on the waitlist

The admissions blog will post news when they start accessin the wait list.

how many people are offered spots on waitlist, and how many would have taken the spot as of today?

any data or predictions guys?

do we even have 20% chance of getting off the waitlist?

Have you been showing any interest besides the email responses?

email responses as in claiming my spots on Vanderbilt website?

other than that, I have sent an email to my admission counselor to ensure my continued interest as well as 3 additional recommendation letters (principal, vice principal, and counselor).

i know the possibility is really really low especially as an engineering school applicant, but still don’t want to give up until it’s over!

That’s about what my daughter did. She’s A&S though. Fingers crossed for you too. Someone got off the wait list last year on July 29th or so, so don’t give up.

From last year: " Over the last few years, approximately 8-10% of our incoming freshmen have been admitted via the wait list, so if you’re still interested in enrolling at VU, hang in there!"


Last year, 4536 people accepted places on the wait list, and 210 were admitted:

Is the deadline for accepting RD admission at midnight tonight?

While the admissions staff has gone to the waitlist fairly early the last few years, it hasn’t always been so. I remember a little bird whispering in my ear at Commencement in 2009 that they were going to the list that afternoon. While this admissions cycle offered a record number of applications, things are getting a little wacky right now in higher ed as the demographics of our student age population shift for the next few years to a lesser number of graduating seniors. I think there will be some adjustments at all levels of colleges and universities in the coming years, but I’m not sure if it will affect the top tier this year. I’ll be rooting for all those who are still hoping to get good news from Vandy:)

Offer of admission off the waitlist received by email today at 12:00 pm. Proud to say that I will be a Commodore next year!

Offer of admission received and accepted today. Prayers answered.

Anyone else?

Can you screenshot your email? @iflylow @collegeboy2019

I wonder if they all went out at once

My close friend got the email, but I haven’t gotten it yet. Hope they didn’t all go out at once :frowning:
I emailed my admissions councelor asking though, hope he replies

Nothing here. Any indication as to if they went out all at once or not?

Do you suppose the emails are sent all at once?