Waitlisted at Vandy?

For what school did they get the acceptance email for?

My friend was the school of Arts and Sciences

The majority of waitlist acceptances goes to Arts&Sci. Engineering and other schools are not only smaller but also admit students based on majors :confused:

Was your friendā€™s email exactly at 12 as well?

No, my friend got it a little after 1; also, Iā€™m really nervous since Iā€™m waiting on engineering and last year people werenā€™t posting anything engineering related at first :frowning: I hope itā€™s soon

Hey guys, I got accepted off the wait list at 12:13 today. Iā€™m excited to say that Iā€™ll be a commodore next year! Btw I got accepted into the college of A&S. Good luck to everyone else!

Congrats! And I think the first ā€œwaveā€ of acceptances might be over. But weā€™ll see.

Yeah good luck to everyone over the next couple of weeks. Iā€™m still on the waitlist, but Iā€™m hoping we all hear back soon.

I didnā€™t send in anything toward my interest in Vandy, thoughā€¦I probably should. Well, I surprisingly got wait listed with only one letter of recommendation. My second teacher didnā€™t submit her letter of recommendation until literally the day that they released decisions haha, but should I email them and let them know that the second letter is on CommonApp? Or would they already see that?

Congrats to you luck kiddos! A little frustrated that I am not though:/

Another waitlisted engineering applicant here.

I really want to know whether the first wave is over for all different schools and how it was for engineering waitlistees in the pastā€¦

lets keep the hope guys!

I keep stressing out about this even though Iā€™m in UMich Engineering alreadyā€¦
Honestly, I think the less we stress, the better. My Arts and Science friend only sent an ā€˜updateā€™ letter and got admitted today, whereas I sent an update letter and a letter of recommendation from my principal and I havenā€™t heard back yet (engineering)ā€¦ not sure if itā€™s harder cuz it admits less or easier because less people applyā€¦ but enjoy life and be happy with your choice as of right now, and remember, God always has a plan! Best of luck to everyone, even though Iā€™ll probably be roaming this daily

I was waitlosted at Vandy and got taken off the waitlist at one of my dream schools. However, I have not gotten the financial aid package yet. I read a bunch of stuff about how your FA package is worse if you get off the waitlist so I was wondering if you guys who got off the waitlist were given a good package. Like Vanderbilt, this school is need blind and meets full need but is an LAC. Any ideas?

Hey @couplemoreweeks Iā€™m a rising first-year at Vandy, and I was admitted off the wait list last summer. My FA package was VERY generous despite being admitted off the wait list. They definitely kept their promise about meeting 100% of need. As far as I know, they do this regardless of how you receive your acceptance.

Thank you! Did you write them a letter!?

To those accepted off the wait list - how long did they give you to make a decision?

I was admitted yesterday; you have to accept within 72 hours, so I have until May 5.

Heyā€¦ Any international off WL?

@ysuhaas congrats dude!

So it appears that May 6 will begin 2nd wave.

Did all of you guys who got off send out letters of continued interest?