Waitlisted at Vandy?

Yeah is the email only to a certain school? I received one and I applied for engineering. What about you guys?

I received one too and am engineering. However, I didnā€™t receive a waitlist update in the last round that people were discussing in this thread.

Got a third interest mail, and Iā€™m in engineering as well. Maybe itā€™s just that only engineering applicants are posting, not sure. By now, you guys should all be happy with the school youā€™re going to. Donā€™t lose hope, but be comfortable and happy, the schools that accepted you saw how talented you were and accepted you for you! Blessings and good luck to everyone andā€¦

I got one too; Iā€™m not engineering.

I am also engineering. Anyone from A&S get one?

I think it went to all waitlisteesā€¦

Looks like the end of the road is mighty effing nigh. Iā€™d say if they donā€™t have any updates in the next 24 hours, they can expect any uncommitted National Merits to drop off the wait list.
Perhaps this is by design, however. Maybe they donā€™t want to fund $5000 per year national merit applicants - perhaps they expended all their spare cash on Cornelius Vanderbilt recipients and financial aid. Anyway, rather underwhelmed by lack of communication with Wait Listees.

Theyā€™ve released the other waitlist offers only on Saturday so thereā€™s a good chance some more will come out today I think


Tick, tick, tickā€¦
As they say on shark tank, if we donā€™t hear something soon, ā€œweā€™re out.ā€

Guys, I would not give up. If you read the forums from the previous years, people got off the list as late as June or July. I recommend sending in your latest grades and another recommendation or two. Call your admissions counselor at Vandy and ask what gives.

^ I emailed my admissions counselor and the Vanderbilt admissions and i havent got a response from either for days.

@jimjones3000 Yep. Hurts me to say it, but the admissions office has a total lack of class.

National Merit Finalist deadline for undecided recipients is today.

Nothing says ā€œwe donā€™t give a damn about youā€ more than an admissions office failing to at least give a courtesy admission or rejection or update before a deadline of this importance.

Weā€™re out.
Good luck to the rest of you.

Iā€™m out too. Theyā€™re losing lots of waitlistees, and I know theyā€™ll be fine but ultimately we are their loss at least as much as Vanderbilt is our loss

Curious where the other waitlisted are headed? University of Michigan hereā€¦Prob for the best :slight_smile: GO BLUE!


@couplemoreweeks my daughter is going to UCLA too. She is very excited and actually removed herself from the Vandy wait list about a week ago because she has fallen in love with UCLA!

Anyone gotten off the waitlist recently?