<p>I called the Housing office today to see the status of my dorm and they checked and told me I was waitlisted and that I'd get a letter in the mail telling me that I am in a day or two! I am freaking out here I really wanted to live in a dorm, what do I do now? What are the chances I'll get a dorm? Should I just start looking into apartments now? WIll I have a hard time making friends if I live off campus my freshman year?? And oh my god now that I think about it my mom will SO not approve of me living completely on my own freshman year....not that I would have a choice...</p>
<p>Don't panic - </p>
<p>Don't give up asking Housing for any openings, but start checking into the private dorms for openings. Act soon to reserve a space, but ensure you can give it up if a campus dorm spot opens up.</p>
<p>Tell Mom so she can help. She's going to find out sooner or later, and sooner is better.</p>
<p>There are still lots of activities for off-campus students on campus.</p>
<p>As students change their plans, you could very well get into a dorm but in the meanwhile here is the information about private dorms:</p>
<p>Private Residence Halls
Looking for a traditional residence hall environment? Seminole Oaks (1.866.301.6856) <a href="http://www.seminoleoaks.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.seminoleoaks.com/</a>, Southgate (1.800.444.2414) <a href="http://www.southgatecampusctr.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.southgatecampusctr.com/</a>, and Osceola Hall (1.888.999.1621) <a href="http://www.boothliving.com/ovillage/%5B/url%5D">http://www.boothliving.com/ovillage/</a> are located in close proximity to campus, but are not owned by FSU. In addition to shared dormitory-style rooms, most also offer apartment-style living. With their own dining facilities and residence hall staff, these offer a similar experience to on-campus living.</p>
<p>At the Freshman Orientation this week, we were told that females who applied for housing by April 30th, and males who applied by April 20th, WILL be placed in on campus housing, and should know where in a few weeks.</p>
<p>HI!! I was wondering how sure you are of that information. like are you 100% positive that's what they said and the info is accurate??? Im just soo paranoid still about the dorm thing so i wanna make sure.</p>
<p>It has been a few weeks so if I were you, I would contact the housing office and see what the experts think about your chances for getting an on-campus dorm room. You should still check out the private dorm options as well so you have a backup plan in case a space does not open up before school starts.</p>
<p>Cybermom sums it up. I would second her advice and urge you to do it asap.</p>