
This is for waitlisted CC students!!

Anyone know what the acceptance rate was this year?

@KoloradoKid shared a link on another thread (in February perhaps?) from the admissions office with an update for counselors. It reiterated the fact that CC had a stronger than expected yield last admissions cycle which means it has fewer spots to fill this year (in light of receiving yet another record number of applications). I tried to find the link but it has been removed. If I remember correctly the acceptance numbers for this cycle roughly panned out to be the following: 35%-40% ED, lowerish 20% EA (like 21%), and an expected <9% RD. I think admissions was targeting a 16%-17% overall acceptance rate. Maybe these numbers are way off and that is why the link has been removed, but if my memory serves me correctly those were some rough numbers.

In any event, congrats to all of you who received good news! If you are on the WL hang in there as there is always the possibility they will pull from it.