<p>i got waitlisted, when are they going to make the final decisions?</p>
<p>tufts syndrome?</p>
<p>I got waitlisted too! :(</p>
<p>I got waitlisted too. Its ok though, it narrows down my choices at least :)</p>
<p>financial aid is always sucky for kids who get taken off waiting lists...out of 12 schools ivef applied to... 4 (including GW) put mee on a waiting list 2 REjections and waiting on 5.. :/..accepted to 1 so far...killer for my ego..lol</p>
<p>yep waitlisted. really surprised. thought i was in for sure. not to sound bragging at all though. watever..thats college admission for ya</p>
<p>Waitlisted, too. Kind of surprised, as GWU was a borderline safety. Might be a case of Tufts Syndrome, I suppose. But other than the small shot to my ego, I don't really care because I'm into DUKE!!! :)</p>
<p>yea NYU here and waiting for JHU, penn and columbia</p>
<p>Waitlisted too! :( I thought I was in for sure because all my stats are above average....maybe I didn't show enough interest or asked for a lot of financial aid? efc was 0. I got sooo depressed! I was about to choose it (if I had gotten in) over the other 5 schools I have already gotten accepted.
Friend got in with much much lower stats but maybe it's because she's international? College apps are that UNPREDICTABLE.</p>
<p>Yeah, me too. No one gets in off the waitlist, right? Do you think it's because of financial aid?</p>
<p>pretty bummed. Had a nice acceptance streak going. Anyway, to answer jenslekman, approximately 24 percent of people accepting a place on the Wait List get in.</p>
<p>For me, I don't think it's Tuft's Syndrome. My SAT score is 2060, and my GPA is
4.2. But still, people with lower stats than me got in. Perhaps my school is on their ****list. Or something. I don't know.</p>
<p>Dragonreborn and others-Don't give up on coming off the waitlist if GW is one of your top choices. As Mjm1 said, a good number of people are accepted from the waitlist. It's just hard hanging in there till June. You can put a deposit on your second choice school (if you can afford to lose it) and inform them in June that you've been accepted from the waitlist at another school and will not be attending after all. If you accept a position on the waitlist send in some new information, such as honors earned in the second half of the year or a letter reaffirming your interest.</p>
<p>Who knows how college admissions work. I'm sorry for all who were disappointed. It happens at the grad level, too. I don't know if that makes you feel better, but I hope it does. My daughter is going through the process of applying to combined MA/PhD programs and was accepted at Yale and waitlisted by a lesser program. You just never know.</p>
<p>I agree full-heartedly with rondafaye. These days, the college admissions process is unpredictable. Many times, people get rejected or waitlisted by match/safety schools and get admitted to reach schools. I think especially this year, the admissions has to be wacky with so much of us applying.</p>