<p>I got waitlisted from drexel and found out that they dont give there letters until after may. My gpa is around an 85 and my sats are lower than i expected i got a 610 on math and 470 on reading. Should i retake my sats to better my score. I was thinking of writing a letter to there campus stating that drexel is my number one choice. I was also thinking about doing an interview with them to. Please help i want to go to drexel</p>
<p>WOW. I almost have the EXACT SAME stats as you. wow. and I got waitlisted too.</p>
<p>ya i want to get in but dont know what to do. I was thinking of writing a letter saying how i want to go to Drexel, and give them my status on my grades.</p>
<p>what schools did you apply to and which ones did you get into</p>
<p>I applied to Michigan State University and Temple and I got in those. I am still waiting to hear from others though.</p>
<p>any other colleges</p>
<p>when did you guys apply? I sent in the vip app in december and have similar stats to guys as well and have yet to hear. Is there anyway to monitor your status online?</p>
<p>I’m at Drexel right now- and I think that that letter would be the best bet.</p>
<p>I would also recommend visiting, as well as writing a letter to the Dean (of the college of your choice), stating why you would want to major or contact the department head of your intended major.</p>
<p>I am a minority. 1st generation.
I got a 620 on Math I Subj test
1610 on SAT REasoning…
lots of EC’s and volunteer hours
and i was waitlisted…
<p>I knew that VIP app was to my disadvantage… Common app is better.
VIP app doesnt tell them crap about you.
blah, i wasnt planning on attending anyway</p>
<p>wow I got accepted today!!! I have like a 2.9 GPA 1700 sat: 560 Math, 500 CR, 640 Writing and a bunch of ECs, volunteer, jobs, sprots, etc…Wish you all good luck!!!</p>
<p>ya i got accepted today i was wondering how do we know if we get accepted to our major</p>
<p>i got denied from drexel im sad about it and now i hate drexel now lmao</p>
<p>yeo doctar it should say it on the bottom of your acceptance letter</p>