<p>Can you waitlist a class if it conflicts with a class you are currently enrolled in?</p>
<p>I need to register for a class, but if I have to be waitlisted, I don’t want to drop the other class (and have too less of credits) if I end up not getting into the class I waitlisted. </p>
<p>Has anyone tried this before? Will the system allow it? I know that they don’t allow you to register for two classes if the scheduling conflicts, but is it the same with trying to waitlist a class that conflicts with one of the classes you are currently signed up for?</p>
<p>During Open registration, if you try to sign up for a class that conflicts with a class you are currently signed up for, will it give you the option to drop the other class, or do you have to do that before you attempt to sign up for the new class that would conflict with the old one? I don’t want to waste time dropping a class to sign up for the class that I need in case the spots fill up quickly.</p>
<p>Yeah it’s a legitimate concern. The best you can do is use the drop down menu to drop the first class and then enter the CRN of the second class. Then you hit “Enter” or whatever and both will happen simultaneously. But if the second class is full you’ll still drop the first one.</p>