
<p>So i was wondering, when the WL info will be sent to VA students (im nortern VA), i saw on the forums that some people had gotten letters already :P, i tried calling them but they were very vauge and probably busy so i really didn't get an answer, I heard like early june? is when they let people know whether or not they got off the WL :P</p>

<p>Thanks alot in advance!</p>

<p>ohmygod what have you done</p>

<p>?what do oyu mean weenlove?</p>

<p>Ignore weenlove, he’s an idiot. It is true that several people have received offers a while ago. However, as confirmed by the vt admissions office and the member ‘sevmom’ whose son got off the waitlist in June years back, it is still possible to receive an offer up to the July 1 date. sevmom’s son got off the waitlist in early June so we’re all hoping to hear back around then. Check out the following thread although the fella above spammed quite a bit in it. </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1136960-virginia-tech-waitlist-help-2011-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1136960-virginia-tech-waitlist-help-2011-a.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks alot!</p>

<p>Anytime, l0vs u!</p>