Wake Forest Class of 2027 Official Thread

When/how did he hear?

My daughter heard as well, via an email this afternoon asking her to write back and agree to/schedule the virtual auditions.


Was yours a Signature scholar finalist too(those finalist weekends were the past two weekends)

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No, she wasn’t a Signature Scholar finalist.

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He heard around 5pm on 2/27 via email. He is also a finalist for the signature scholarships and will hear the results of that tomorrow :scream:

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Mine is both a signature and presidential finalist. I’m not sure how this works.


Good luck! The signature would be so nice!

Wow congrats!

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Hi, if you are a finalist for the presidential scholarship, does this mean you have been accepted? My D is a finalist but she thinks they are two separate process

The full-ride finalists (50-ish total divided into 2 weekends) were told at finalist weekend they were accepted, barring any unforeseen changes in their files(which of course is true of all acceptances).
I think it is safe to assume the Pres ARTs finalists are as well! congrats.


That would be great! I’m not sure if I should share this with my D. She will be very upset if it goes the other way

Don’t share–wait for the Wake folks to tell her! It really is a fabulous school.

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Thank you!


I will follow your advice!

Congratulations to your daughter!!


yeah obviously cant get both —but I have some info based on something a current scholar said to mine at the finalist weekend in their one on one zoom—better for DM so will say it there! best of luck!

Mine was selected for one of the full-cost-of attendance signature scholarships! Happy and very grateful kid tonight!


Very nice! Congratulations to your student! And your family!

Congratulations to the whole family!!

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Hi, could you please DM me as well with that info? Would be super helpful to know. Thanks.