Wake, USC, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern ?

<p>Hey, what's up people, figured I'd ask for some advice cause I heard this site was good. </p>

<p>GPA is 3.8 unweighted, like 4.1 weighted
Top 20%</p>

<p>Extracurrics are varsity football, varsity hockey, varsity lax
Also student council VP
Lots of work experience
Won homecoming king this year, idk if that matters</p>

<p>SAT: 2030 (680 math, 720 writing, 630 Verbal)
ACT: 32
No Sat 2's</p>

<p>I got into UCONN and Indiana early, which was sweet. What are my chances for Wake Forest, Southern Cal, Johns, Northwestern, and UMich's biz program? any input would be great, thanks</p>

<p>Michigan's business program is difficult to gain acceptance to as a freshman. Acceptance rate was 16%. While you do indeed have good statistics, your statistics are just average for Michigan's B-School. What classes you took (AP Calculus, AP English Literature?), your extracurriculars (any competitions?) will play a huge role on your admittance or not.</p>

<p>The majority of students who end up majoring in business at Michigan apply for the business school after they are in LSA freshman year. You have a good chance to do the latter.</p>

<p>You have a good chance at all of your schools. Just work hard on the application, do well on the essays, mention all you extracurriculars, and you should have a good chance at admittance for all of them. I would go so far to say that Wake Forest is a lock, Michigan and Johns Hopkins would definitely admit you, and USC and Northwestern you have a better than average chance for acceptance.</p>

<p>UMich (ROSS) Pre-Admit - Reach
UMich (LSA) - Match
USC - Match
Wake Forest - Match
John Hopkins - Slight Reach
NW - Slight Reach / Reach</p>

<p>Thanks for the help, I'll have to see, also out of curiosity do you know if any of those schools will be getting back to me before late march/early april? thanks</p>

<p>your chance at JHU is below average without any SAT II's. They recommend 3. Your SAT scores also bring your chances down as well.</p>

<p>As of now, it looks like a reach, but who knows? Perhaps you have great essays and recs, and that can chance everything at JHU. </p>

<p>This is coming from an ED acceptee at JHU</p>

<p>SAT scores bring chances down? I disagree.</p>

<p>Colleges will look at your best score...regardless of if it is SAT or ACT</p>

<p>I dunno. I'd assume they'd weigh both if they could get them. The high ACT will partially compensate for the relatively low SAT, but that SAT will definitely affect the decision.</p>

<p>Colleges do not weigh both...</p>

<p>They only look at your highest score, many schools actually state that in their admissions policies..</p>

<p>Again, I dunno. It seems like it isn't explicitly stated either way on JHU's webpage. Boy, would I like that to be the case.</p>

<p>Ah...zkevin...I didn't even see the ACT score. NVM about the SAT 1 comment, but SAT II's are strongly recommended.</p>

<p>ru guys kiddin, the kid has a 1310 SAT, and u say he is a MATCH for northwestern, that IS BELOW their 25th percentile, wat ru guys thinking, it is a BIGGGGG reach for him</p>

<p>Just noticed that you have no SAT IIs. Bad, bad, bad. JHU is now a definite reach. Northwestern, too, probably.</p>

<p>yeah true true, I had JHU and Northwestern pegged as reaches anyway, hoping essays do it, it's more Wake and USC that I'm on</p>

<p>you ready to be a trojan??</p>

<p>jhu, nu give lesser weight on writing section but usc i think now does equal wieght gl!</p>

<p>^hence above regarding usc...i emailed them and they told me that they look at writing section now</p>

<p>Oh god, bball created yet another name!!! First bball87, then simbajune55, now foryourenjoyment? How many names do you need kid?</p>