(wamer) nursing schools?

<p>Okay so I've pretty much got in all of my applications...Here's the list:
UPitt (accepted)
Penn State
Case Western Reserve University
York College (accepted)
Lynchburg College (accepted)
all of the above schools have direct-admit 4 year nursing program</p>

<p>The winter cold has set in around where I live....and I'm not too happy about it. I mean I'm fine with the cold, but I LOVE late spring/summer weather. And basically all of my schools are in the winter zone...</p>

<p>I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good 4-year direct admit nursing schools with southern and/or heavenly year-round weather?
other things I'm looking for in a school are active student body/football, 5000<, and just an overall fun place to spend 8 months of the year at. also, a HUGE factor in my final decision is financial aid and tuition...
thank you!!!</p>

<p>University of Miami, Marymount U (Virginia), UVA, and Samford U (Birmingham, AL).</p>

<p>The only school I know anything about is Samford, which I visited with my D1. It has a beautiful campus, an active student body, and is near all the great med facilities at UAB. The problem for my D is that it is very religious (Baptist) and that wasn’t what she was looking for. Otherwise, she would have loved it since she wanted a smaller school in the south with a traditional LAC campus feel.</p>

<p>oh and pardon my spelling mistake on the title…I was tired haha</p>

<p>If you are going to consider Samford you might as well consider the University of Alabama. Brand new (impressive) Nursing facility.</p>

<p>^ I agree; regular UA, and also UAB (Birmingham) which you can takes classes at if you’re at Samford or Birmingham/Southern.</p>

<p>any info on UA? from what I saw of the nursing school website, its program is more of a 2+2 program…</p>

You’d probably be better off posting that question on the UA forum. Good Luck!</p>