<p>Since most of us have already sent in our applications (atleast, ED-ers), who wants to trade their common app. essays and Why Northwestern essays, just for the heck of it? It may be a more enjoyable read since it doesn't require anymore proofreading : )</p>
<p>I think I’d be even more depressed knowing how great the other essays are while mine…isn’t</p>
<p>Sure! Even if the essays I read are a million times better than mine, well, nothing I can do about it now, anyways.</p>
<p>But whoever reads mine, be warned–it’s about 2500 words.</p>
<p>I’ve been told it’s way interesting enough to justify such a length, though. =)</p>
<p>has anyone written their common app essays (not the supplement) about something realllyyy super weird, like milk? haha i read this article about a girl who wrote her commonapp essay about milk. and then got in to her top choice school.</p>
<p>what did you guys write about, if it was like topic of your choice or something??</p>
<p>I wrote about a very, very, very intense board game played at the end of the year in my AP chem class last year.</p>
<p>I’m very happy about it, but I don’t want my confidence ruined by reading ones better than mine, haha.</p>
<p>I was totally cliched and wrote about my dad. I’ve been told though, that it was good enough to still stand out. I certainly hope so.</p>
<p>I wrote about anime xDD</p>
<p>i wrote about something weird… like when i try to explain it i just sound like a tool. it was basically an essay about how i used dreams, books and theatre as like… escapes from life.</p>
<p>HAHAHAHHA see i sound like such a loser. i pretty much am a loser :D</p>
<p>nutterbutter, you’re not a loser. I wrote mine about marching band. =)</p>
<p>I wrote about my experience competing in the Brevard Music Center Piano Competition and how I examined my philosophy of performing in order to qualm my nerves.</p>
<p>haaa thanks sondosia. you know what’s REALLY sad? I love writing so I’ve already written alll my RD essays. like i legit put time into them. and if i get into NU it will all be for naught.</p>
<p>not that i’d be complaining…XD teeeheee</p>
<p>I love writing too, but my RD essays all have stupid boring topics. University of Illinois has two essays, each 300 words. One is basically talk about your major, and the other is basically talk about your extracurriculars. <em>dies</em></p>
<p>where else did you all plan to apply?
My potential RDs are:
University of Illinois
University of Chicago
Johns Hopkins
Ohio State (safety school BLEH)</p>
<p>I wrote about my Humanities teacher/ Philosophy Club sponsor… He had a brain condition come up early in the spring, it’s pretty dark though.</p>
<p>I wrote about being hopelessly clumsy.</p>
<p>No big revelations or serious symbolism here! heh.</p>
<p>My RD’s are</p>
<p>Notre Dame
Dartmouth (mom and grandma went there)
Duke (ehhh maybee, may have to play soccer lol)
Wake Forest</p>
<p>Safeties (accepted)
-UT Austin
-University of Oklahoma (nice football goin on right now, eh?)</p>
<p>i wrote about my basketball team. (i’m the only white girl)</p>
<p>there were some nice contrasts and some decent points I think. I couldn’t think of a better way to describe myself. I didn’t have anyone else read it, and i wrote it in about an hour. HOPEFULLY, it’s good enough. I also think it’s pretty short. But who knows? I dislike writing.</p>
<p>Are you serious!?? How old is your grandma? They’ve only been letting women in since 1972! Asssuming she was 18 then she must be 54?</p>
<p>Yepp… step grandma, really really young. My grandpa’s a widower.</p>