<p>I'm in my first year of Alevels. My subjects are Math, Economics and Psychology. In Olevels I got 4 As and 4 Bs. As in English, Economics, Business Studies and Urdu
Despite my B in Math, I decided to take Math in Alevels because everyone told me Math can really help you.
My result in Olevels was clearly not very impressive. I will inshaAllah be working hard and getting better grades this time around. But it worries me that even with good grades in Alevels, I might not get into LUMS which is the one university I desperately want to go to. People with more than 6 As or straight A students in Oleves usually get in despite their not so good grades in Alevels. This worries me. What should I do? How can I get in? I know a good score in the entry test can help too but is it any use if I have only 4 As in Olevels? Has anyone even gotten in with those grades? There is so much competition. If someone could just tell me if there is a way I can still make it and what exactly I need to do to get in, I'd appriciate it so very much. I am not very aware of what to do in this matter and desperately need help. Thanks!</p>
<p>^ Well, most of us here are your peers so our advice won’t be too helpful. BUT, I have heard that the LCAT plays a huge role in the decision making process. Own that and you might have a reasonably good shot at LUMS. However, yes, I must admit that the O-level grades are important but the LCAT is probably more important for the admissions comity.</p>