Want to go to Georgia Tech. BADLY. Chance me please?

<p>I'm a high school senior who has already applied to Georgia Tech (and been deferred into the regular admission pool.) I visited in September and it quickly became my top choice, but I fear its too late to bring my grades up significantly enough to increase my chances, but here's my info:</p>

<p>*3.29 unweighted GPA (out of 4.0), 4.81 weighted (out of 6.34) as of Junior Year- GPA is 3.3 unweighted now including first quarter senior grades</p>

<p>*660 Critical Reading, 580 Math, and 700 Writing (SAT)</p>

<p>*490 Literature (I know, its bad),630 in World History, 700 in US History (SAT II)</p>

<p>*Scored a 4 on the AP US History Exam</p>

<p>*ECs: Varsity Tennis (3 years), Member of National Honor Society, Mock Trial Club (4 years), Worked a part time job since 2007</p>

<p>*Outstanding Participant (NMSQT/PSAT)-In the Top 3% of scores out of all African Americans who took the PSAT last year</p>

<p>*I traveled overseas last year for three weeks to Europe on a student delegation (People to People, government sponsored program)</p>

<p>*I've received a scholarship from the state of Massachusetts to attend any state school for free (based on test scores)</p>

<p>*I've taken 4 APs total: AP US History, AP US Gov/Politics, AP Biology, AP English.
-Last year, my average for AP US History was an 88, First Quarter grades for AP Gov, AP Bio, and AP English, were 90, 82, and 86 respectively.</p>

<p>*I've taken five years of French (since eighth grade, currently in French V)</p>

<p>I'm African American (as previously noted) and from Massachusetts (also, as previously noted.) Can anyone chance me at getting into GT during regular admission, or at least wait-listed? Thanks!!!</p>