Want to major in Nursing?

<p>I'm going to be an upcoming Junior next year ing high school. </p>


<p>English l A-A
Spanish l A-B
Human Geography AP C-C
*** A-A
*** B-A
Algebra l B-A
Biology l B-B</p>


<p>Honors Geometry C-C
Spanish ll C-B
Honors Chemistry l C-C
*** A-A
Honors English ll B-B
World History AP C-B

<p>Junior Year:</p>

<p>English lll AP
French ll
Honors Chemistry ll
Anatomy & Physiology
Algebra ll
Psychology AP
American History AP</p>

<p>*** = Electives</p>

<p>Is this good for someone who wants to be a nurse?</p>

<p>Looks good to me! I wished I could’ve taken A&P my junior year (i’m a rising senior).</p>

<p>Are you planning on taking AP Biology your senior year? I don’t think it’s necessary, but I had a choice between that and A&P and it was a pretty tough choice, but I went with the latter. Just keep doing what you’re doing, really, and keep your grades up.</p>

<p>Those grades look good. You just need to make sure that you do well on your ACTs/SATs. I would recommend the ACTs because most people usually do a lot better on those, but that is just my opinion.</p>