<p>A RESULT OF MY STRESS: Pure Insanity:
I AM Bragging about hurricanes
I've been through 4 hurricanes on Florida's western suncoast since 2000. Oh yea! That's probably more than anyone on this messageboard!!!Hurricanes are bad for the damage they do, but they are sooo awesome looking on radar!!!
Sorry- stress from APs and SAT IIs (A total of 7 this past week) has driven me insane.</p>
<p>I never did the SAT thing, I think you guys are really crazy. Losers. HAHA. And I still got into a nice college! Overachievers, [shakes head] Sigh.</p>
<p>maybe...you should take a step back from your computer..and go outside..even if it's 9pm on a saturday (oh no!)...:D..or just exit out of the cc window (i've been hoooked on cc since 6....damn it's addicting)</p>
<p>Yes, we dont in NYC...we have snowstorms though, thats nice...but we have to go to skool anyway...stupid bloomberg....wont close skools...no matter if theres a hurricane, earthquake or a tsunami...we still gotta go....retards....lol</p>
<p>I also live on the west coast of Florida...</p>
<p>When I was a freshman dental student, we had 16 exams in a 9 day period. Our class president complained to the Dean of Students, a retired military oral surgeon. His response:</p>
<p>Well, I experienced THREE hurricanes and I've lived in Florida since 2002. Charley was the worst. It knocked out all the power in my entire subdivision. The eye ripped right through us. I <em>love</em> hurricanes though. They're interesting/amusing/exciting.</p>
<p>And it killed/uprooted all my new flowers. = (</p>
"LUCKY" you (LOL), Charley was headed towards me in Tampa Bay, but it decided to go to Orlando---aww shucks I had my camera ready for a Cat. 3 in Tampa Bay...</p>
<p>At least I got to experience a 76 mph wind from hurricane jeanne shove me in my balcony- my instinct had me run inside right before a gust estimated at 104 mph hit seconds later:</p>
<p>princeton ed probly
but really like cornell too
gonna visit them to find out wehre i wanna go
anyone know how to visit?l ike do i just call them</p>
<p>I personally didn't take any pics, but a lot of people took them for me. I was going to get to batteries for my camera, and I head to Walmart, Circuit City, AND Target--to find that there are absolutely no batteries!</p>
<p>Sheesh. Aw, Hyper, you missed the aquamarine/green lightning and the awesome completely yellow sky.</p>