<p>A RESULT OF MY STRESS: Pure Insanity:
I AM Bragging about hurricanes
I've been through 4 hurricanes on Florida's western suncoast since 2000. Oh yea! That's probably more than anyone on this messageboard!!!Hurricanes are bad for the damage they do, but they are sooo awesome looking on radar!!!
Sorry- stress from APs and SAT IIs (A total of 7 this past week) has driven me insane.</p>

<p>Everyone list the number of disasters/awesome storms you have been through- we'll see whose had the most!!!</p>

<p>Another danger is the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol traps excess fat around the waist and stomach area. Cortisone works by blocking this hormone.</p>

<p>Ohhhh... I've been in a tsunami, a tornado, a blizzard, AND a hurricane. Granted the tsunami never reached my house, the tornado came very close (and was really strong) and completely destroyed our rental house but didn't touch my house... but the blizzard was awesome and the hurricane was definitely an experience.</p>

<p>Anovice, I must admit that you have defeated me storm-wise
My hurricanes; 3 were category one by the time they reached my area (75 mph, 80 mph, and 90 mph winds for the 3 storms); one was category two (sustained 96 mph winds that lasted ten minutes with a gust to 108 mph)</p>

<p>This one time it started to rain when I was out walking my dogs....it was soooo scary....I think I even got hit by some...</p>

<p>Actually, I havent been in any real storms (hurricanes, tsunamis, etc) but there are a lot of tornados around where I live (none of them have been too close to my house) and I've been in my fair share of blizzards while driving down from the mountains...</p>

<p>I'm from the Phoenix area. The only weather-related stress around here is when the a/c breaks down in July :D</p>

<p>I like running in the rain. </p>

<p>I don't think that I'd like running with hurricans though.</p>


<p>Ummm... typhoons?? Since I come from Taiwan, we get like five passing the island like every year. But then rarely am I even awake or at the area for me to actually see the typhoon bashing against buildings.</p>

<p>We get a lot of tornadoes in the midwest. I live one town over from the Tornado Alley of IL. So I have been caught in a couple but nothing to bad. One was while I was five and I didn't want to go to my acting class b/c of a tornado watch but my mom forced me & my sis b/c it was the last day. On the way home it hits and we had to stop at a truck stop b/c the sky was all yellow. That was freaky. There were people from the trailer next to use, 5 truckers, & 3 of us and 1 broom closet. My mom found out later that my kindergarten teacher lived right next to the truckstop and had a basement. Weird.</p>

<p>I have been in couple more but nothing that close. We just escaped before Hurrican Charley hit FL this year b/c we decided to leave Disney a day early. But otherwise nothing big.</p>

<p>hmmm...no natural disasters aside from a blizzard a year every year of my life...but those are nothin big!...just...lots of snow, really cold, and icy roads...I watched a tornado once, but it was blocked from causing any disaster due to rough terrain...Hurricane Hugo, but that was when I was a tiny little thing...it did do a tad bit of damage though...But one of my friends went through a few disasters....left the Olympic Stadium in 94' about 15 minutes before the bomb went off, and was close to the U.S. Embassy during the terrorist attack in Kenya...she was also in India during the tsunami in December, but not close enough to the coast to face any devastation.</p>

<p>Oh yea?</p>

<p>I've been through.. a heavy rainfall. It was raining really hard, and I was running, then I tripped and fell down and sneezed. Then I got back up and started walking.</p>

<p>My pants got ripped, and my knees got bruised and cut. I proceeded to sit down after walking a bit, and consider my situation, all the while getting more wetter. </p>

<p>Then I sneezed again. Woababa :(</p>